Shopware plugin folders structure.

Hello, I have created a plugin, but it is not accepted by the Plugin Manager with the following error: " Plugin-Manager Die Plugin Struktur entspricht nicht dem vorgegebenen Format. Der Namespace des Plugins konnte nicht ermittelt werden. " However, I have perfectly followed the directory structure that is advised here: The tree within a .zip file looks like this: Auflistung der Ordnerpfade für Volume DATA Volumeseriennummer : 2E6D-D66B D:. | | tree.txt | —Frontend —SitnikPaymentStripe | bootstrap.php | plugin.png | ±–Components | —SitnikStripe | ±–Api | | loader.php | | | ±–Images | | logo@2x.png | | logo_front@2x.png | | | —lib | | Stripe.php | | | ±–data | | ca-certificates.crt | | | —Stripe | | Account.php | | ApiConnectionError.php | | ApiError.php | | ApiRequestor.php | | ApiResource.php | | ApplicationFee.php | | ApplicationFeeRefund.php | | AttachedObject.php | | AuthenticationError.php | | Balance.php | | BalanceTransaction.php | | Card.php | | CardError.php | | Charge.php | | Coupon.php | | Customer.php | | Error.php | | Event.php | | InvalidRequestError.php | | Invoice.php | | InvoiceItem.php | | List.php | | Object.php | | Plan.php | | RateLimitError.php | | Recipient.php | | Refund.php | | SingletonApiResource.php | | Stripe.php | | Subscription.php | | Token.php | | Transfer.php | | Util.php | | | —Util | Set.php | ±–Controllers | ±–Backend | —Frontend | PaymentStripe.php | ±–Models | —Stripe —Views ±–backend | —sitnik_payment_stripe | ±–controller | ±–model | ±–store | —view —frontend ±–checkout ±–detail —plugins —sitnik_payment_stripe error.tpl finish.tpl notify.tpl Is there a way for Shopware to be more specific with this kind of error? I would appreciate any kind of hint/suggestion/remark or another rtfm example. Thank you. With best regards, Alex Sitnik.

Hi, please check the naming and if it’s uppercase and lowercase. For example --> Frontend/SitnikPaymentStripe/Bootstrap.php The beginning of the Bootstrap.php [code]

Hello Sebastian, Thanks, that helped. It was nice to receive a valuable tip from the outside. With best regards, Alex Sitnik.