Licensing host unknown

why can not active test environment? How different is the test environment to the production environment?

There is no difference. If you want to „buy“ plugins, you have to register your shop with a public accessible domain. Then you can download the plugins as a zip and test them on your local environment.

I Purchased a free plugin for my Dev-Environment (at first), the shop domain is registered in my account, I see that licence. But I can not login with the same credentials in my shopware: Licensing host unknown. When i look at the info in at using-type (Verwendungstyp) it says that there should be no issue, so no need to manually download a zip and implement it ourself…
Bildschirmfoto 2024-08-13 um 11.32.12

We cloned that vm before, could it be that some sort of ID is stored at a place that causes the missmatch?
The sw-domain-hash.html worked, so I guess that should be fine.

The domain entered in Settings > Shopware Account must be the same like in

Then you should be able to login under Extensions > My Extensions > Shopware Account.

It might be possible that your shop version is newer that the plugin is compatible with.

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