Installation of production template does not work

I try to setup a new customer shop.

If I follow does not work if I replace --branch=6.1 with --branch=6.3 (system:setup failed)

**** $ bin/console system:setup [WARNING] Some commands could not be registered: In EnvVarProcessor.php line 171: Environment variable not found: "APP\_URL". In EnvVarProcessor.php line 171: Environment variable not found: "APP\_URL". 


Is this way of installation only working for 6.1 ? But why would I not start a project with the current branch?

Is this a bug? Should I create an issue?


Workaround posted in the community chat:

„create a  .env file with APP_URL=“" and use --force on the system setup command"

Duplicate of – will continue the discussion there

Issue Shopware Issuetracker