Vielen Dank für deine Antwort,
Hier meine Tabelle, aber kann ich das einfach so löschen?
INSERT INTO `s_core_menu` (`id`, `parent`, `name`, `onclick`, `class`, `position`, `active`, `pluginID`, `controller`, `shortcut`, `action`) VALUES
(1, NULL, 'Artikel', NULL, 'ico package_green article--main', 0, 1, NULL, 'Article', NULL, NULL),
(2, 1, 'Anlegen', '', 'sprite-inbox--plus article--add-article', -3, 1, NULL, 'Article', 'STRG + ALT + N', 'Detail'),
(4, 1, 'Kategorien', '', 'sprite-blue-folders-stack article--categories', 0, 1, NULL, 'Category', NULL, 'Index'),
(6, 1, 'Hersteller', NULL, 'sprite-truck article--manufacturers', 2, 1, NULL, 'Supplier', NULL, 'Index'),
(7, NULL, 'Inhalte', NULL, 'ico2 note03 contents--main', 0, 1, NULL, 'Content', NULL, NULL),
(8, 30, 'Banner', NULL, 'sprite-image-medium marketing--banner', 0, 1, NULL, 'Banner', NULL, 'Index'),
(9, 30, 'Einkaufswelten', '', 'sprite-pin marketing--shopping-worlds', 1, 1, NULL, 'Emotion', NULL, 'Index'),
(10, 30, 'Gutscheine', NULL, 'sprite-mail-open-image marketing--vouchers', 3, 1, NULL, 'Voucher', NULL, 'Index'),
(11, 30, 'Prämienartikel', NULL, 'sprite-star marketing--premium-items', 2, 1, NULL, 'Premium', NULL, 'Index'),
(12, 30, 'Produktexporte', NULL, 'sprite-folder-export marketing--product-exports', 5, 1, NULL, 'ProductFeed', NULL, 'Index'),
(15, 7, 'Shopseiten', NULL, 'sprite-documents contents--shopsites', 0, 1, NULL, 'Site', NULL, 'Index'),
(20, NULL, 'Kunden', NULL, 'ico customer customers--main', 0, 1, NULL, 'Customer', NULL, NULL),
(21, 20, 'Kundenliste', NULL, 'sprite-ui-scroll-pane-detail customers--customer-list', 0, 1, NULL, 'Customer', 'STRG + ALT + K', 'Index'),
(22, 20, 'Bestellungen', NULL, 'sprite-sticky-notes-pin customers--orders', 0, 1, NULL, 'Order', 'STRG + ALT + B', 'Index'),
(23, NULL, 'Einstellungen', NULL, 'ico2 wrench_screwdriver settings--main', 0, 1, NULL, 'ConfigurationMenu', NULL, NULL),
(25, 23, 'Benutzerverwaltung', NULL, 'sprite-user-silhouette settings--user-management', -2, 1, NULL, 'UserManager', NULL, 'Index'),
(26, 23, 'Versandkosten', NULL, 'sprite-envelope--arrow settings--delivery-charges', 0, 1, NULL, 'Shipping', NULL, 'Index'),
(27, 23, 'Zahlungsarten', NULL, 'sprite-credit-cards settings--payment-methods', 0, 1, NULL, 'Payment', NULL, 'Index'),
(28, 23, 'E-Mail-Vorlagen', NULL, 'sprite-mail--pencil settings--mail-presets', 0, 1, NULL, 'Mail', NULL, 'Index'),
(29, 23, 'Performance', NULL, 'sprite-bin-full settings--performance', -5, 1, NULL, 'Performance', NULL, 'Index'),
(30, NULL, 'Marketing', NULL, 'ico2 chart_bar01 marketing--main', 0, 1, NULL, 'Marketing', NULL, NULL),
(31, 69, 'Übersicht', NULL, 'sprite-report-paper marketing--analyses--overview', -5, 1, NULL, 'Overview', NULL, 'Index'),
(32, 69, 'Statistiken / Diagramme', NULL, 'sprite-chart', -4, 1, NULL, 'Analytics', NULL, 'Index'),
(40, NULL, '', NULL, 'ico question_frame shopware-help-menu', 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(41, 114, 'Onlinehilfe aufrufen', '\'\',\'Shopware\',\'width=800,height=550,scrollbars=yes\')', 'sprite-lifebuoy misc--help--online-help', 0, 1, NULL, 'Onlinehelp', NULL, NULL),
(44, 40, 'Über Shopware', 'createShopwareVersionMessage()', 'sprite-shopware-logo misc--about-shopware', 2, 1, NULL, 'AboutShopware', NULL, 'Index'),
(46, 7, 'Import/Export', '', 'sprite-arrow-circle-double-135 contents--import-export', 3, 1, NULL, 'ImportExport', NULL, 'Index'),
(50, 1, 'Bewertungen', NULL, 'sprite-balloon article--ratings', 3, 1, NULL, 'Vote', NULL, 'Index'),
(56, 30, 'Partnerprogramm', '', 'sprite-xfn-colleague marketing--partner-program', 6, 1, NULL, 'Partner', NULL, 'Index'),
(57, 7, 'Formulare', NULL, 'sprite-application-form contents--forms', 2, 1, NULL, 'Form', NULL, 'Index'),
(58, 30, 'Newsletter', '', 'sprite-paper-plane marketing--newsletters', 7, 1, NULL, 'NewsletterManager', NULL, 'Index'),
(59, 69, 'Abbruch-Analyse', '', 'sprite-chart-down-color marketing--analyses--abort-analyses', 0, 1, NULL, 'CanceledOrder', NULL, 'Index'),
(62, 23, 'Riskmanagement', '', 'sprite-funnel--exclamation', 0, 1, NULL, 'RiskManagement', NULL, 'Index'),
(63, 23, 'Systeminfo', NULL, 'sprite-blueprint settings--system-info', -3, 1, 40, 'Systeminfo', NULL, 'Index'),
(64, 7, 'Medienverwaltung', NULL, 'sprite-inbox-image contents--media-manager', 4, 1, NULL, 'MediaManager', NULL, 'Index'),
(65, 20, 'Zahlungen', NULL, 'sprite-credit-cards settings--payment-methods', 0, 1, NULL, 'Payments', NULL, NULL),
(66, 1, 'Übersicht', '', 'sprite-ui-scroll-pane-list article--overview', -2, 1, NULL, 'ArticleList', 'STRG + ALT + O', 'Index'),
(68, 23, 'Logfile', '', 'sprite-cards-stack settings--logfile', -2, 1, NULL, 'Log', NULL, 'Index'),
(69, 30, 'Auswertungen', NULL, 'sprite-chart marketing--analyses', -1, 1, NULL, 'AnalysisMenu', NULL, NULL),
(72, 1, 'Eigenschaften', '', 'sprite-property-blue article--properties', 0, 1, NULL, 'Property', NULL, 'Index'),
(75, 20, 'Anlegen', '', 'sprite-user--plus customers--add-customer', -1, 1, NULL, 'Customer', NULL, 'Detail'),
(84, 69, 'E-Mail Benachrichtigung', '', 'sprite-mail-forward', 4, 1, NULL, 'Notification', NULL, 'Index'),
(85, 7, 'Blog', '', 'sprite-application-blog contents--blog', 1, 1, NULL, 'Blog', NULL, 'Index'),
(88, 114, 'Zum Forum', '\'\')', 'sprite-balloons-box misc--help--board', -1, 1, NULL, 'Forum', NULL, NULL),
(91, 29, 'Shopcache leeren', NULL, 'sprite-edit-shade settings--performance--cache', 1, 1, NULL, 'Performance', 'STRG + ALT + X', 'Config'),
(107, 23, 'Textbausteine', NULL, 'sprite-edit-shade settings--snippets', 0, 1, NULL, 'Snippet', NULL, 'Index'),
(109, 40, 'Tastaturkürzel', 'createKeyNavOverlay()', 'sprite-keyboard-command misc--shortcuts', 1, 1, NULL, 'ShortCutMenu', NULL, 'Index'),
(110, 23, 'Grundeinstellungen', NULL, 'sprite-wrench-screwdriver settings--basic-settings', -5, 1, NULL, 'Config', NULL, 'Index'),
(114, 40, 'Hilfe', NULL, 'sprite-lifebuoy misc--help', 0, 1, NULL, 'HelpMenu', NULL, NULL),
(115, 40, 'Feedback senden', NULL, 'sprite-briefcase--arrow', 0, 1, NULL, 'Feedback', NULL, 'Index'),
(119, 65, 'PayPal', NULL, 'paypal--icon', 0, 1, 66, 'PaymentPaypal', NULL, 'Index'),
(129, 23, 'Allyouneed', NULL, 'meinpaket-icon', 0, 1, 83, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(130, 129, 'Allyouneed-Log', NULL, 'sprite-cards-stack', 0, 1, 83, 'MoptMeinpaketLog', NULL, 'Index'),
(133, 23, 'Theme Manager', NULL, 'sprite-application-icon-large settings--theme-manager', 0, 1, NULL, 'Theme', NULL, 'Index'),
(134, 23, 'Plugin Manager', NULL, 'sprite-application-block settings--plugin-manager', 0, 1, 84, 'PluginManager', NULL, 'Index'),
(137, 23, 'Premium Plugins', NULL, 'sprite-star settings--premium-plugins', 0, 1, 56, 'PluginManager', NULL, 'PremiumPlugins'),
(138, 1, 'Product Streams', '', 'sprite-product-streams', 50, 1, NULL, 'ProductStream', '', 'index'),
(141, 68, 'Sofort AG Log', NULL, 'sprite-cards-stack', 0, 1, 82, 'SofortLogView', NULL, 'index'),
(142, 65, 'Sofort AG Orders', NULL, 'sprite-cards-stack', 0, 1, 82, 'SofortOrderView', NULL, 'index'),
(144, 23, 'SEO Professional', NULL, 'sprite-application-search-result', 0, 1, 92, 'DreiscSeo', NULL, 'Index'),
(147, 23, 'Freitextfeld-Verwaltung', '', 'sprite-attributes', -1, 1, NULL, 'Attributes', NULL, 'Index'),
(148, 29, 'Performance', NULL, 'sprite-bin-full settings--performance', 2, 1, NULL, 'Performance', NULL, 'Index'),
(152, 23, 'Individueller SEO Footer', NULL, 'sprite-layout-select-footer', 0, 1, 78, 'DreiscFooter', NULL, 'Index'),
(153, 40, 'SwagUpdate', NULL, 'sprite-arrow-continue-090', 0, 1, 55, 'SwagUpdate', NULL, 'Index');
Ich mach einfach mal! Hier eine Sicherung zum Rückspielen
INSERT INTO `s_core_menu` (`id`, `parent`, `name`, `onclick`, `class`, `position`, `active`, `pluginID`, `controller`, `shortcut`, `action`) VALUES
(119, 65, 'PayPal', NULL, 'paypal--icon', 0, 1, 66, 'PaymentPaypal', NULL, 'Index');
So auch nach missglückter Installation erscheint das Plugin im Plugin Manager und dort unter dem Punkt “deinstalliet” jetzt nach dem ich die o.g. Zeile gelöscht habe erschein ein “Mülleimer”
(löschen) also lösche ich das ganze nun.
Jetzt wieder zurück in denPlugin Manager und nach PayPal suchen, wird gefunden und klicke es an zur Installation (switch) Jetzt geht es wieder nicht mit der Meldung
Unable to install, got exception: An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO s_core_config_element_translations (description, label, element_id, locale_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)' with params [null, "API username", 998, 2]: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '998-2' for key 'element_id'
Nehme also an dass außer der
- s_core_menu auch die
- s_core_config_element_translations (habe hier noch nix gemacht)
Bearbeitet werden muss.
Dumme Frage zwischen durch, wieso, wenn ich den button “löschen” eines Plugins habe, welches im Modus “deinstalliert” steht, werden die Datenbankeinträge nicht gelöscht?
Jetzt schliesse ich den Plugin Manager und öffne ihn wieder.
Upps, jetzt ist PayPal im Ordner “Deaktiviert”!
Hmm, also mal sehen ob nun ein “Reinstall” / “Deinstallieren” oder ein “Löschen” hilft oder gar die Aktivierung. “Schauen wir mal”
Habe mich nun für deinstallieren entschieden und jetzt wieder löschen. Und noch mal installieren.