E-Mail Benachrichtigung bei wieder vorhandener Lagerware

…möchte mich mal hier dranklemmen, bei uns scheint alles korrekt eingestellt, jedoch bringt der manuelle Aufruf der Cronjobs einen Fehler. Dieser geht zwar um den Cache, weiss jedoch nicht, wie ich hier vorgehen soll:
An exception occurred while executing ‘UPDATE s_crontab SET action = ?, interval = ?, data = ?, active = ?, next = ?, start = ?, end = ?, disable_on_error = ? WHERE id = ?’ with params [“Shopware_CronJob_ClearHttpCache”, 86400, “a:1:{s:5:“error”;s:443:“An exception occurred while executing ‘UPDATE s_crontab SET action = ?, interval = ?, data = ?, active = ?, next = ?, start = ?, end = ?, disable_on_error = ? WHERE id = ?’ with params [“Shopware_CronJob_ClearHttpCache”, 86400, “b:0;”, “1”, “2016-12-21 11:46:50”, “2018-01-08 11:22:15”, “2016-12-21 11:46:50”, “1”, 21]:\n\nSQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry ‘Shopware_CronJob_ClearHttpCache’ for key ‘action’”;}”, “0”, “2016-12-21 11:46:50”, “2018-01-08 11:22:15”, “2016-12-21 11:46:50”, “1”, 21]: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry ‘Shopware_CronJob_ClearHttpCache’ for key ‘action’ in vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/DBALException.php on line 119