Bilder nach Migration nicht vorhanden

Nach der Migration werden die Bilder nicht angezeigt und sind m. W. nicht vorhanden. Woran könnte es liegen?


Die Migration der Bilder auch schon über die Console angestossen?

Was steht im Protokoll?

Hallo. Der Downloadbutton fürs Protokoll des Backend linkt ins Lehre: über Details anzeigen / Details lässt es sich aber herunterladen.
Sitzt ja eigentlich alles in woraus die Install angestossen wurde.

Hier meine Hostingeinstellungen:

Hier ein verkürzter Auszug aus der Datei (sehe keine Möglichkeit, dir hier die ganze zur Verfügung zu stellen):

Migration log generated at 18.01.2022 08:23:36 UTC
Run id: 5f0dc277cddf42e9900d7d26bdec0fa7
Status: finished
Created at: 17.01.2022 03:37:33 UTC
Updated at: 17.01.2022 03:39:45 UTC
Last control user id: 09313095601F44CF9C6E3068A2689B70
Connection id: 9929f37e014f46268ae1663a2448ddab
Connection name: XXX
Profile: shopware57
Gateway: local

Selected data:
- basicSettings (total: 107)
	- language (total: 0)
	- category_custom_field (total: 6)
	- category (total: 92)
	- customer_group_custom_field (total: 0)
	- customer_group (total: 2)
	- currency (total: 0)
	- sales_channel (total: 1)
	- number_range (total: 6)
- products (total: 13349)
	- media_folder (total: 22)
	- product_custom_field (total: 22)
	- product_price_custom_field (total: 0)
	- product_manufacturer_custom_field (total: 0)
	- product (total: 659)
	- property_group_option (total: 1611)
	- product_option_relation (total: 130)
	- product_property_relation (total: 8108)
	- translation (total: 0)
	- product_cross_selling (total: 2761)
	- main_variant_relation (total: 36)
- customersOrders (total: 14)
	- customer_custom_field (total: 0)
	- customer (total: 3)
	- shipping_method (total: 2)
	- order_custom_field (total: 7)
	- order (total: 1)
	- order_document_custom_field (total: 0)
	- order_document (total: 1)
- seoUrls (total: 953)
	- seo_url (total: 953)
- promotions (total: 1)
	- promotion (total: 1)
- media (total: 1895)
	- media (total: 1895)
- processMediaFiles (total: 1895)
	- media (total: 1895)


The language entity already exists
The language entity with source id "44" already exists and cannot be written.

Unsupported number range type
NumberRange-Entity with source id "926" could not be converted because of unsupported type: sSERVICE1.

Unsupported number range type
NumberRange-Entity with source id "928" could not be converted because of unsupported type: blogordernumber.

Unsupported number range type
NumberRange-Entity with source id "927" could not be converted because of unsupported type: sSERVICE2.

The product entity has one or more empty necessary fields
The product entity with the source id 76 does not have the necessary data for the field(s): tax,prices

Unsupported object type
translation of object type "custom_facet" with source id "3" could not be converted.

The order entity has one or more empty necessary fields
The order entity with the source id 17 does not have the necessary data for the field(s): paymentMethod

The order entity has one or more empty necessary fields
The order entity with the source id 20 does not have the necessary data for the field(s): paymentMethod

Associated order not found
The order with the source id "2" can not be found but is required for order_document.

Associated order not found
The order with the source id "3" can not be found but is required for order_document.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "blog" with source id "2699" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "blog" with source id "3304" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "blog" with source id "2700" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "blog" with source id "3636" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "blog" with source id "3637" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "blog" with source id "3305" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "blog" with source id "14658" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "blog" with source id "21959" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "blog" with source id "14659" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "campaign" with source id "43232" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "blog" with source id "43768" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "blog" with source id "21960" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "campaign" with source id "24100" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "blog" with source id "43769" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "custom" with source id "13" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "custom" with source id "23" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "custom" with source id "11943" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "custom" with source id "21" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "custom" with source id "43782" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "custom" with source id "43783" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "custom" with source id "43787" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "custom" with source id "43790" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "custom" with source id "43791" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "ticket" with source id "1033" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "forms" with source id "43772" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "forms" with source id "43770" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "forms" with source id "43771" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "listing" with source id "4310" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "forms" with source id "43773" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "forms" with source id "43775" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "forms" with source id "43776" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "forms" with source id "43774" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "forms" with source id "43777" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "forms" with source id "43779" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "forms" with source id "43779" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "forms" with source id "43778" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "listing" with source id "43792" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "listing" with source id "43793" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "listing" with source id "43794" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "listing" with source id "43799" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "listing" with source id "43795" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "listing" with source id "43798" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "listing" with source id "43797" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "listing" with source id "43796" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "listing" with source id "43803" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "listing" with source id "43801" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "listing" with source id "43802" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "listing" with source id "43804" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "listing" with source id "43800" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "listing" with source id "43805" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "listing" with source id "43807" could not be converted.

Unsupported object type
seo_url of object type "listing" with source id "43806" could not be converted.

A write exception has occurred
    "entity": "property_group_option",
    "dataId": "4ee11ace7d9f4036be601de16cf0f8dd",
    "error": {
        "code": "c1051bb4-d103-4f74-8988-acbcafc7fdc3",
        "status": "400",
        "detail": "Dieser Wert sollte nicht leer sein.",
        "template": "This value should not be blank.",
        "meta": {
            "parameters": {
                "{{ value }}": "null"
        "source": {
            "pointer": "\/78\/translations\/2fbb5fe2e29a4d70aa5854ce7ce3e20b\/name"

A write exception has occurred
    "entity": "property_group_option",
    "dataId": "7c40f71990eb495bbad302d53ef95c24",
    "error": {
        "code": "c1051bb4-d103-4f74-8988-acbcafc7fdc3",
        "status": "400",
        "detail": "Dieser Wert sollte nicht leer sein.",
        "template": "This value should not be blank.",
        "meta": {
            "parameters": {
                "{{ value }}": "null"
        "source": {
            "pointer": "\/50\/translations\/2fbb5fe2e29a4d70aa5854ce7ce3e20b\/name"

A write exception has occurred
    "entity": "property_group_option",
    "dataId": "ac1f88dfa89f42b58fe5715d878a1dcd",
    "error": {
        "code": "c1051bb4-d103-4f74-8988-acbcafc7fdc3",
        "status": "400",
        "detail": "Dieser Wert sollte nicht leer sein.",
        "template": "This value should not be blank.",
        "meta": {
            "parameters": {
                "{{ value }}": "null"
        "source": {
            "pointer": "\/115\/translations\/2fbb5fe2e29a4d70aa5854ce7ce3e20b\/name"

A write exception has occurred
    "entity": "property_group_option",
    "dataId": "b8368f5e4e3146ffaf671097200705a5",
    "error": {
        "code": "c1051bb4-d103-4f74-8988-acbcafc7fdc3",
        "status": "400",
        "detail": "Dieser Wert sollte nicht leer sein.",
        "template": "This value should not be blank.",
        "meta": {
            "parameters": {
                "{{ value }}": "null"
        "source": {
            "pointer": "\/508\/translations\/2fbb5fe2e29a4d70aa5854ce7ce3e20b\/name"

A write exception has occurred
    "entity": "property_group_option",
    "dataId": "d94deea10da8405fb214c634bf604caa",
    "error": {
        "code": "c1051bb4-d103-4f74-8988-acbcafc7fdc3",
        "status": "400",
        "detail": "Dieser Wert sollte nicht leer sein.",
        "template": "This value should not be blank.",
        "meta": {
            "parameters": {
                "{{ value }}": "null"
        "source": {
            "pointer": "\/582\/translations\/2fbb5fe2e29a4d70aa5854ce7ce3e20b\/name"

An exception occurred
Entity: seo_url, sourceId: f818b64ad2e346ed91c682e0c0aecd88
An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO `seo_url` (`id`, `foreign_key`, `sales_channel_id`, `language_id`, `route_name`, `path_info`, `seo_path_info`, `is_canonical`, `is_modified`, `created_at`) VALUES ('FB\0#IPakH','P>%|A+\',','fB%>B','*n3AD)3s$','','/navigation/503e25807c9b41dea82bd427c52cd904','Schreibkultur-und-Papeterie/Geschenkkarten/','1','1','2022-01-17 15:39:31.695');':SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '\x1F*\xABn3AD\xF4\xAD)3\xB1\xED\x11s$-f\x03\x10\x9C\x89\xC9B%...' for key 'uniq.seo_url.seo_path_info'

An exception occurred
Entity: seo_url, sourceId: 9dc0e174a24844baafd4385c3599b0ab
An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO `seo_url` (`id`, `foreign_key`, `sales_channel_id`, `language_id`, `route_name`, `path_info`, `seo_path_info`, `is_canonical`, `is_modified`, `created_at`) VALUES ('D(eBy22@I','2=RAcc8+x','fB%>B','*n3AD)3s$','','/navigation/903293cc3d5241f9921b636306382b78','Schreibkultur-und-Papeterie/Notizbloecke/','1','1','2022-01-17 15:39:31.702');':SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '\x1F*\xABn3AD\xF4\xAD)3\xB1\xED\x11s$-f\x03\x10\x9C\x89\xC9B%...' for key 'uniq.seo_url.seo_path_info'

An exception occurred
Entity: seo_url, sourceId: 2ea157a30a2d44bbbeb1eff51c30cc8b
An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO `seo_url` (`id`, `foreign_key`, `sales_channel_id`, `language_id`, `route_name`, `path_info`, `seo_path_info`, `is_canonical`, `is_modified`, `created_at`) VALUES ('oFL*DBB','*n3AD)3s$','','/navigation/ffa2a55a03ad45049965376e1a8e1ff8','Garten/','1','1','2022-01-17 15:39:32.226');':SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '\x1F*\xABn3AD\xF4\xAD)3\xB1\xED\x11s$-f\x03\x10\x9C\x89\xC9B%...' for key 'uniq.seo_url.seo_path_info'

An exception occurred
Entity: seo_url, sourceId: 445eccc8bab0460eb19bbaa3539f140c
An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO `seo_url` (`id`, `foreign_key`, `sales_channel_id`, `language_id`, `route_name`, `path_info`, `seo_path_info`, `is_canonical`, `is_modified`, `created_at`) VALUES ('I9MI','I:0|','fB%>B','*n3AD)3s$','','/navigation/a291fdafe0a449a8903a301eacdc7cf8','Garten/Alles-fuer-Ihre-Pflanzen/','1','1','2022-01-17 15:39:32.230');':SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '\x1F*\xABn3AD\xF4\xAD)3\xB1\xED\x11s$-f\x03\x10\x9C\x89\xC9B%...' for key 'uniq.seo_url.seo_path_info'

An exception occurred
Entity: seo_url, sourceId: 8b801488d18448fba339171224687e7d
An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO `seo_url` (`id`, `foreign_key`, `sales_channel_id`, `language_id`, `route_name`, `path_info`, `seo_path_info`, `is_canonical`, `is_modified`, `created_at`) VALUES ('NGG87','aQ@yZ','fB%>B','*n3AD)3s$','','/navigation/e5fda661015140e18ff5e979f05a90e9','Garten/Alles-fuer-Ihre-Pflanzen/Gartenwerkzeuge/','1','1','2022-01-17 15:39:32.238');':SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '\x1F*\xABn3AD\xF4\xAD)3\xB1\xED\x11s$-f\x03\x10\x9C\x89\xC9B%...' for key 'uniq.seo_url.seo_path_info'

An exception occurred
Entity: seo_url, sourceId: 0563c6ca2aa7401b81e29bcb8a27835e
An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO `seo_url` (`id`, `foreign_key`, `sales_channel_id`, `language_id`, `route_name`, `path_info`, `seo_path_info`, `is_canonical`, `is_modified`, `created_at`) VALUES (' M\0_','.MINv>','fB%>B','*n3AD)3s$','','/navigation/ef95ef2eb7ac4dfda1494e76a889cd3e','Garten/Alles-fuer-Ihre-Pflanzen/Gartenscheren/','1','1','2022-01-17 15:39:32.234');':SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '\x1F*\xABn3AD\xF4\xAD)3\xB1\xED\x11s$-f\x03\x10\x9C\x89\xC9B%...' for key 'uniq.seo_url.seo_path_info'

An exception occurred
Entity: seo_url, sourceId: 67a606543a464836a49bc519a93f5d7e
An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO `seo_url` (`id`, `foreign_key`, `sales_channel_id`, `language_id`, `route_name`, `path_info`, `seo_path_info`, `is_canonical`, `is_modified`, `created_at`) VALUES ('_BH*\n\\','xc\\Ew.08','fB%>B','*n3AD)3s$','','/navigation/786303a95cec451097a577092ee53038','Outdoor-Spiel/Outdoor/Outdoor-Messer/','1','1','2022-01-17 15:39:32.360');':SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '\x1F*\xABn3AD\xF4\xAD)3\xB1\xED\x11s$-f\x03\x10\x9C\x89\xC9B%...' for key 'uniq.seo_url.seo_path_info'

An exception occurred
Entity: seo_url, sourceId: 8ead302a06cd424d9139a4d19b9d79a2
An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO `seo_url` (`id`, `foreign_key`, `sales_channel_id`, `language_id`, `route_name`, `path_info`, `seo_path_info`, `is_canonical`, `is_modified`, `created_at`) VALUES ('t5IUT','m

An exception occurred
Entity: seo_url, sourceId: c6d4c7e243b44c6ea524c92f283503de
An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO `seo_url` (`id`, `foreign_key`, `sales_channel_id`, `language_id`, `route_name`, `path_info`, `seo_path_info`, `is_canonical`, `is_modified`, `created_at`) VALUES ('~TLDS;]D','KjkIclBp','fB%>B','*n3AD)3s$','','/navigation/9f8d4b6a6bc349b3a6630fa1946c4270','Wohnen-Kueche/Wohnen/','1','1','2022-01-17 15:39:33.689');':SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '\x1F*\xABn3AD\xF4\xAD)3\xB1\xED\x11s$-f\x03\x10\x9C\x89\xC9B%...' for key 'uniq.seo_url.seo_path_info'

An exception occurred
Entity: seo_url, sourceId: 85057352e6d4441b86defd372aca0eaa
An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO `seo_url` (`id`, `foreign_key`, `sales_channel_id`, `language_id`, `route_name`, `path_info`, `seo_path_info`, `is_canonical`, `is_modified`, `created_at`) VALUES ('$p~9N;3!}','PD:IB','*n3AD)3s$','','/navigation/a050443a493c47bf9838fb8b643888b5','Wohnen-Kueche/Kueche/Textilien/','1','1','2022-01-17 15:39:33.685');':SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '\x1F*\xABn3AD\xF4\xAD)3\xB1\xED\x11s$-f\x03\x10\x9C\x89\xC9B%...' for key 'uniq.seo_url.seo_path_info'

An exception occurred
Entity: seo_url, sourceId: 929708b47ee4428eba969b7c82f483c6
An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO `seo_url` (`id`, `foreign_key`, `sales_channel_id`, `language_id`, `route_name`, `path_info`, `seo_path_info`, `is_canonical`, `is_modified`, `created_at`) VALUES ('[ijmL','WMJ25','fB%>B','*n3AD)3s$','','/navigation/8b57d7ba4d104af19c1432ca35d10c8f','Wohnen-Kueche/Wohnen/Ordnung-Ablage/','1','1','2022-01-17 15:39:33.696');':SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '\x1F*\xABn3AD\xF4\xAD)3\xB1\xED\x11s$-f\x03\x10\x9C\x89\xC9B%...' for key 'uniq.seo_url.seo_path_info'

An exception occurred
Entity: seo_url, sourceId: 255e872877944becb05aaeeab2dd7346
An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO `seo_url` (`id`, `foreign_key`, `sales_channel_id`, `language_id`, `route_name`, `path_info`, `seo_path_info`, `is_canonical`, `is_modified`, `created_at`) VALUES ('fBrb','nKh!FVpC','fB%>B','*n3AD)3s$','','/navigation/6e8a4b68182146d9a4ce96561e7043a2','Outdoor-Spiel/Spielzeug/Geschicklichkeit/','1','1','2022-01-17 15:39:33.716');':SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '\x1F*\xABn3AD\xF4\xAD)3\xB1\xED\x11s$-f\x03\x10\x9C\x89\xC9B%...' for key 'uniq.seo_url.seo_path_info'

An exception occurred
Entity: seo_url, sourceId: 0565c5c2d0c546daa15a8da77d860524
An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO `seo_url` (`id`, `foreign_key`, `sales_channel_id`, `language_id`, `route_name`, `path_info`, `seo_path_info`, `is_canonical`, `is_modified`, `created_at`) VALUES ('J^2^q','.`K05/Z','fB%>B','*n3AD)3s$','','/navigation/d92e60d8dcab4b978f813035b22ff95a','Outdoor-Spiel/Spielzeug/Baukloetze-Holzspielzeug/','1','1','2022-01-17 15:39:33.711');':SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '\x1F*\xABn3AD\xF4\xAD)3\xB1\xED\x11s$-f\x03\x10\x9C\x89\xC9B%...' for key 'uniq.seo_url.seo_path_info'

The media file cannot be downloaded / copied
The media file with the uri "media/image/gosquare_flat_ee.png" and media id "361d4328845e44e48b90154e2f908dfd" cannot be downloaded / copied.

The media file cannot be downloaded / copied
The media file with the uri "media/image/gosquare_flat_ru.png" and media id "994f9f97bcb64e2787afb778857a798b" cannot be downloaded / copied.

The media file cannot be downloaded / copied
The media file with the uri "media/image/gosquare_flat_vg.png" and media id "2fced8f2f4794ccf8a4436519367181f" cannot be downloaded / copied.

The media file cannot be downloaded / copied
The media file with the uri "media/image/gosquare_shiny_gq.png" and media id "399212c030c0459d87088b1ca548ddb1" cannot be downloaded / copied.

The media file cannot be downloaded / copied
The media file with the uri "media/image/gosquare_shiny_md.png" and media id "0d993e53d9294babb81aea11c3b792d6" cannot be downloaded / copied.

The media file cannot be downloaded / copied
The media file with the uri "media/image/mini_hochbeet_top3.jpg" and media id "54a9e5ac116640d0b4b5834a216c0eef" cannot be downloaded / copied.

The media file cannot be downloaded / copied
The media file with the uri "media/image/toucan.png" and media id "f064e59f3a114fc4ac4c5cdb880f2cd8" cannot be downloaded / copied.

The media file cannot be downloaded / copied
The media file with the uri "media/image/Bauhaus_Bauspiel_Edition_weiss_4.jpg" and media id "7447065cf70d4c8a8fc435292e24cce4" cannot be downloaded / copied.

The media file cannot be downloaded / copied
The media file with the uri "media/image/speick_organic_3_0_duschgel.jpg" and media id "56bfcf11310c45c18083829b1deab2df" cannot be downloaded / copied.

The media file cannot be downloaded / copied
The media file with the uri "media/image/Herbst.png" and media id "b199cdaf91304f538b7ddca0326dafc3" cannot be downloaded / copied.

The media file cannot be downloaded / copied
The media file with the uri "media/image/pflegebad_du-bist-einfach-wunderbar2.jpg" and media id "bd9636c353e244c9aa20f551fabbed3c" cannot be downloaded / copied.

The media file cannot be downloaded / copied
The media file with the uri "media/image/krug_bienenkorb_lila.jpg" and media id "3d81cc82859a484a9285748122b2bcd7" cannot be downloaded / copied.

The media file cannot be downloaded / copied
The media file with the uri "media/image/eternit_cube2.jpg" and media id "4ca51e630ba44e388828b28300a7a20b" cannot be downloaded / copied.

The media file cannot be downloaded / copied
The media file with the uri "media/image/alpentee_pfefferminze.jpg" and media id "6e1fb185c31445688a2d8c2617e8c06e" cannot be downloaded / copied.

Environment information {JSON}:
    "sourceSystemName": "Shopware",
    "sourceSystemVersion": "5.7",
    "sourceSystemDomain": "",
    "totals": {
        "category": {
            "entityName": "category",
            "total": 91,
            "extensions": []
        "currency": {
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    "requestStatus": {
        "isWarning": false,
        "code": "",
        "message": "No error.",
        "extensions": []
    "migrationDisabled": false,
    "targetSystemCurrency": "CHF",
    "sourceSystemCurrency": "CHF",
    "displayWarnings": [],
    "sourceSystemLocale": "de-CH",
    "targetSystemLocale": "de-DE",
    "extensions": []

Die Migration der Bilder auch schon über die Console angestossen?

Migrierst Du über die API?

Über den Migrations-Assistenten im Backend. Für die Console bin ich zu wenig Techniker. :slight_smile:

Migrierst Du über die API?

Wir hatten schon Problem mit Medien und über die Console ging es .

Über dieses Tool von Shopware:

Hallo, ist nach einem Jahr schon eine Lösung für dieses Problem bekannt?

Ich bekomme über das Protokoll die selben Fehler bzw. „Warnings“ angezeigt. Nach etwa 14 Bildern bzw. Versuchen wird dann der Migrationsprozess der Bilder abgebrochen!?
Meine Frage jetzt hierzu - Warum ist das so? Was kann man tun um nicht alle 1400 Bilder wieder neu laden zu müssen?! (kann das selber nicht über Shell oder Console - weis gar nicht was das ist…:wink:
Und warum besteht dieses Problem eigentlich? Will Shopware das man sich für ein anderes Shopsystem entscheidet?
Warum kann das Problem nicht von Shopware gelöst werden? (besteht ja schon länger wie ich sehe bzw. lese…?) und wer hat es über den „Migrations-Helper“ geschafft?!
Keine Antwort auf die letzte Frage ist auch eine :wink: Für alle anderen Antworten und Lösungen wäre ich dankbar!
Liebe Grüße

Shopware kann es wohl nicht lösen, weil dies ein individuelles Problem ist.

Was hast Du bis jetzt probiert?

Vielleicht entwickelt jemand einen Shopwarefork, da die Herstellerfirma nicht liefert.