Wie kann man eine Shopseite mit einer URL erreichen?

Ich habe eine Shopseite in den Erlebniswelten angelegt und möchte diese über eine URL direkt anzeigen. Aber wie geht das? In der Doku zu SW6 finde ich da nichts für die Community Edition von SW6.

As far as I know you have to set this Shopping Experience (Shopping World) as a Category inside Catalogues -> Categories. The parent category needs to be included in the Entry Point for navigations inside Settings -> Basic Information -> Entry Point for Main Navigation or Footer Navigation or Service Pages.

So then your Shopping World can be accessed by the name you set inside Catalogues -> Catagories. For example if you named this “category” Landing Page, then you can access this shopping world as /Landing-Page

In my opinion, this is not so straightforward and it’s very different from how it has been in SW5 where you got your URL automatically generated as soon as you entered the name. It’s much less intuitive than in SW5 I think.

Especially, it would be very helpful if Shopware could somehow divide the terminology between some elements. For example there could be at least Pages module, like it is for Categories, since most people associate Categories with categories and not also pages themselves.

There is also some very basic funcionality that it seems to not be working correctly regarding user-defined links in the footer, you can see more about this here: 