Shop Pages Free Text Field

Trying to create free text fields for shop page from backend. Everything run smooth but field data not shown in template in $sCustomPage nor $sContent variables.
I have profiler enabled and this field not even in database query. 

I can see and edit these fileds on shop page backend and can see field content in database.

Made similar for blog and everything works as should, in backend and in template. 

First time working with shopware and maybe i missed something in configuration?

Hi Oxyplay,

I’ve the same problem. It looks like that the Attribs are not called.
I’ve two Free Text Fields in „Shopseite (s_cms_static_attributes)“ but in the Array $sCustomPage there is no attribs.
Two fields are with contents (not empty).

This is Array contents ( through {$sCustomPage|@print_r} ):

Array (
[id] => 54
[tpl1variable] =>
[tpl1path] =>
[tpl2variable] =>
[tpl2path] =>
[tpl3variable] =>
[tpl3path] =>
[description] => Musik
[html] => Musikbeispiele, die mit conTimbre produziert wurden
[grouping] => sLeft
[position] => 0
[link] =>
[target] =>
[parentID] => 0
[page_title] =>
[meta_keywords] =>
[meta_description] => Musikbeispiele, die mit conTimbre produziert wurden
[changed] => 2016-11-09 10:37:08
[shop_ids] =>
[subPages] => Array ( )

No Attributes are there Crying

With others Free Text Fields, for example $sCategory.attribute.myattribute it works fine.

Did you found a solution?

Thanks, best regards


Sorry for delayed answer :slight_smile: I found that some attributes not loaded by sytem so they need to load via custom Plugin.

You should call:

$attributes = $this->get(‘shopware_attribute.data_loader’)->load(‘s_cms_static_attributes’, $pageId); 

and then send variable into custom page views.