Routing zu .../public funktioniert nicht ... symphony fehlereldungen

Auf dem gleichen Server hat der Hoster das Shopware 6 Script ein Mal erfolgreich installiert und das andere Mal gibt es Probleme die wohl mit dem Script und nicht mit dem Server zu tun haben:


I have reviewed your website and the document root of your domain is configured as per the requirements of the application.

/home/ (domain name changed for here)

I have attempted to direct the domain to the public directory using several known methods for this type of application. Unfortunately with no success.

I can see that we have attempted this in several different tickets and I confirm the issue is not related to the server. The error message itself is returned by the application and is related to its core/code structure.

Having this in mind at this point you will be able to access the application with the following URL.

explizit tut es / explicit it works: also with (domain is not the real one but with hyphen / Bindestrich: (ddd-vvv-de/admin (works) without /public.

I will advise you to review and address this matter with a professional developer for more information. If any server-side configurations are required from our end simply let us know.

We remain at your disposal.

Zuletzt nun fand ein externer Mitarbeiter dass:

in logs i saw some errors with php
on symphony !