Repeated failed attempts with PayPal Express (some of them not all) because over-capture actions (shipping) on transactions PSD2

Hi, The SetExpressCheckout request specified a transaction amount different from the DoExpressCheckout request transaction amount. This discrepancy, particularly in the shipping cost, resulted in the payment being declined, as indicated in the SetExpressCheckout response.

PayPal informed us that merchants with buyers from countries subject to PSD2 are no longer permitted to perform over-capture actions on transactions. Any attempts to do so will result in the payment being declined. For more information, please refer to the following article: New Overcapture Requirements (PSD2).

I have seen a possible solution in Paypal Express übernimmt keine Versandkosten - #3 von wontfix but the solution page is no longer available and I do not have the technical background to make this ‚simple plugin‘ work.

Perhaps there is another solution to avoid losing orders and money? We know how sensitive customers are to technical problems.

Please help.


totaltype „EstimatedTotal“
method „SetExpressCheckout“
version „113.0“
paymentrequest_0_currencycode „EUR“
paymentrequest_0_amt „32.90“
paymentrequest_0_itemamt „32.90“
paymentrequest_0_shippingamt „0.00“
paymentrequest_0_taxamt „0.00“


method „DoExpressCheckoutPayment“
version „113.0“
buttonsource „Shopware_Cart_5“
paymentrequest_0_currencycode „EUR“
paymentrequest_0_amt „38.89“
paymentrequest_0_itemamt „32.90“
paymentrequest_0_shippingamt „5.99“
paymentrequest_0_taxamt „0.00“