Plugin extraction failed

I have tried for weeks now to activate the shopware store on my local new shopware application but still the same problem. Here is a description of the error: „error: Detected invalid file/directory SwagExtensionStore/ in the plugin zip: SwagExtensionStore/.gitignore

Can someone please help me with a solution to the problem?

You can only buy plugins with a valid public domain.

Ok; is there a possibility to configure a test environment with the free demo store and free plugins locally?
Because i have till here no theme and it is difficult to visualize what i am configuring/ developping…

Also is my error coming from the fact that i don’t have a valid public domain?
Thanks in advance for the answer.

I do not know if that error is due to that reason. I have never seen it before.

What you can do, register a public shop, verify it, buy plugins for it and then copy & past these plugins into your local environment. You can either run bin/console refresh:plugin or download it from as a zip.