How i can tests and install external shopware plugin from shopware shop on my local machine?

Hi guys!

Is there is any way of testing and install demo version of paid plugins on localhost shopware installation, for example :

I am not sure how I can achieve something like that, could you help me pls ? I dont have problem with configuration, i just want to know if this possible ? 

I have exact same question. How can I as a developer contribute to a plugin or create one?

Do I first need to install Shopware on a dedicated hosted server, register domain, register account, install plugin on server and then download source code from the remote server?

If that is true, it is not exactly developer friendly…

you simply install shopware in your local machine, be it real or virtual.
(we use vagrant with debian for local development)

and the last i looked, shopware/plugin licenses are tied to the sub/domain, so you need to add that sub/domain in hosts (file) - Wikipedia to point to the local dev system, and all should work normally.

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Did all that, but no matter what I do I only get:


Error The requested plugin has already been purchased. Error code: PluginLicensesException-4

Then when I tried to go to plugins:

Error Unknown error occurred. (UserShopsException-20) Error code: UserShopsException-20

There nothing more in error log.

Then I turned to the Shopware Account - where I have to verify domain assigned to the account. So I have to buy and verify a domain just to download free plugin?

@bergstar schrieb:

Then I turned to the - where I have to verify domain assigned to the account. So I have to buy and verify a domain just to download free plugin?

thats a very good question! that i cannot answer.

i dont administer our shop(s) (just develop), so i have never had to mess with the shopware store/account setup.

Currently you need a domain for downloading/interacting with the store. You can contact our sales team, they are able to register domains manually like e.g. 


@Moritz Naczenski schrieb:

Currently you need a domain for downloading/interacting with the store. You can contact our sales team, they are able to register domains manually like e.g. 


Does the domain have to be public (world wide web accesible) ? What are the circumstances for a such a domain?  

No, when they register it manually, it does not need to be public.

I did mange to do it, and it is straight forward process. So for anyone finding this later:

  • Just use any public domain you have, add TXT record to it and it will be registered and ready to use in seconds.


A bit inconvinient, but process is very fast.

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That’s not really a good solution at all…

To install a Plugin you need an Account and a registered domain - If you want to test a plugin for your shop but you do not want to test it in the live shop you would be best adviced to follow the original post from wontfix.

You install a virtualbox with vagrant and put a copy of your live-shop into the local virtual maschine.
It will give you all required info about ports and IP to address it locally upon installation.

After that you can edit your host (local) file to route the URL of the shop not to the live-Shop but instead to the local maschine where your test-shop is waiting.

Now that you can use the URL that was formerly linked to the live shop for your local installment, you are also free to download plugins to the test shop as if it were the registered live shop itself.

Once you are sure that the plugin is safe to install you can switch the host file back to the live shop (add a # in front of the entry to nullify the effect but keep it for later) and install the plugin in the real backend this time (probably from the purchased plugins because „your domain already bought it“ while you were in the local shop).

Takes a lot longer to set up but is the clean way to do it and it will most likely come with a bunch more advantages since it’s basically just like the real shop.

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FWIW: shopware-ag free plugins are at ShopwareLabs · GitHub so i guess one can install them from there too. (maybe ask other free plugins where their code repo is)

ps. all our self-made shopware plugins are in git repos, so we can install any version of them by simply modifying custom/plugins/composer.json and running composer update. love it!

I figured out that the moust important is to have that mapping in hosts file and in shopware shop (basic settings menu)  the host should be the same. Then we can go to backend by and all is working. Thanks for help guys!

It is managable, you can register normal, you do not need it to be public.