No admin page after install

I have read a few pages/posts about the same thing,but stillcant get it to work…

It happened the first time, then I did a fresh install and fresh DB table.

after the DB set up part of the wizard, I get a not found…
I have since added rewrite to apache… but still doesn’t work for me… do I need to do the install again, no re-write is in place…? the other side effect is the main shop page is now showing, but has no formatting, like the css isnt being found…

I found one post talking about the virtual directry being /public - which it is…

can anyone point me in the right direction?

If rewire is active and you point to /public switch to dev mode.
To do this open the .env file located in the shopware root directory and change APP_ENV=prod to APP_ENV=dev now you should see errors popping up on you site, these tell you what’s wrong.

You could check /recovery/update/index.php and see if anything comes up.

good luck,