Navigation left and menu Hilfe/Support

Hi, In the basic version of Shopware the left navigation Information and Hilfe/Support are the same. I don’t understand why and want this to be two different things. I want to add content to Hilfe/Support OR left navigation, but not always in both menus. Is this possible? And how? I’ve searched the forum but can’t find earlier solutions about this. Also next I want to add a menu left on certain pages. Thanks, I hope my question is clear (unfortunately in English… ) Jason

Hello Jason, since shopware is open source nearly everything is possible. But you have to change the according template files and maybe create a new group (Content->shop pages) to sort them shoppages in. Never touched this part of the shopware system so you just have to check how everything works… But looks like you have to code…

[quote=„steinsoftware“]Hello Jason, since shopware is open source nearly everything is possible. But you have to change the according template files and maybe create a new group (Content->shop pages) to sort them shoppages in. Never touched this part of the shopware system so you just have to check how everything works… But looks like you have to code…[/quote] I was afraid of that, but I was hoping to get some tips… :wink:

Hello Jason, I managed to change this. It’s actually quit simple. First I made a copy of menu_left.tpl and renamed it to menu_left2.tpl. Then in this file I changed $sMenu.gLeft to $sMenu.gLeft2 Next I changed left.tpl (do not use the one in your _default directory, but in _local or your custom template). In this file I changed the following block (menu_left2.tpl was menu_left.tpl): {block name='frontend\_index\_left\_campaigns\_bottom'} {include file='frontend/index/menu\_left2.tpl'} {include file="frontend/campaign/box.tpl" campaignsData=$campaigns.leftBottom} {/block} Then go to Basic settings in the backend (don’t know the English or German terms) and to „Shopping pages groups“. Add a new group, give it the name you want and then give it the new Template-key: gLeft2. If you keep the former shopping pages group Links (in Dutch), you can use this for service/help. The new added menu is only visable on the left. You can also determine if it has to be only on certain pages/categories. Then in menu_left.tpl you get something like: [code] {if $ == 1} {if $sMenu.gLeft2}

  • {se name=„MenuLeftHeading2“}Title 1{/se}
    {foreach from=$sMenu.gLeft2 item=item} - [{$item.description}]({if $}{$}{else}{url controller=custom sCustom=$ title=$item.description}{/if} „{$item.description}“) {if $ && $item.subPages}
    {foreach $item.subPages as $subPage} - [{$subPage.description}]({url controller=custom sCustom=$} „{$subPage.description}“)
    {/foreach} {/if}

{/if} {/if} {if $ == 2} {if $sMenu.gLeft3}

  • {se name=„MenuLeftHeading3“}Title 3{/se}
    {foreach from=$sMenu.gLeft3 item=item} - [{$item.description}]({if $}{$}{else}{url controller=custom sCustom=$ title=$item.description}{/if} „{$item.description}“) {if $ && $item.subPages}
    {foreach $item.subPages as $subPage} - [{$subPage.description}]({url controller=custom sCustom=$} „{$subPage.description}“)
    {/foreach} {/if}

{/if} {/if} [/code] Hope this helps! Succes! I will also post the answer in the English forum. :sunglasses: