Hi, In the basic version of Shopware the left navigation Information and Hilfe/Support are the same. I don’t understand why and want this to be two different things. I want to add content to Hilfe/Support OR left navigation, but not always in both menus. Is this possible? And how? I’ve searched the forum but can’t find earlier solutions about this. Also next I want to add a menu left on certain pages. Thanks, I hope my question is clear (sorry, posted this in German forum also…). Jason
Hello Jason, I managed to change this. It’s actually quit simple. First I made a copy of menu_left.tpl and renamed it to menu_left2.tpl. Then in this file I changed $sMenu.gLeft to $sMenu.gLeft2 Next I changed left.tpl (do not use the one in your _default directory, but in _local or your custom template). In this file I changed the following block (menu_left2.tpl was menu_left.tpl): {block name='frontend\_index\_left\_campaigns\_bottom'} {include file='frontend/index/menu\_left2.tpl'} {include file="frontend/campaign/box.tpl" campaignsData=$campaigns.leftBottom} {/block}
Then go to Basic settings in the backend (don’t know the English or German terms) and to “Shopping pages groups”. Add a new group, give it the name you want and then give it the new Template-key: gLeft2. If you keep the former shopping pages group Links (in Dutch), you can use this for service/help. The new added menu is only visable on the left. You can also determine if it has to be only on certain pages/categories. Then in menu_left.tpl you get something like: [code] {if $sCategoryInfo.id == 1} {if $sMenu.gLeft2}
- {se name=“MenuLeftHeading2”}Title 1{/se}
{foreach from=$sMenu.gLeft2 item=item} - [{$item.description}]({if $item.link}{$item.link}{else}{url controller=custom sCustom=$item.id title=$item.description}{/if} “{$item.description}”) {if $item.active && $item.subPages}
{foreach $item.subPages as $subPage} - [{$subPage.description}]({url controller=custom sCustom=$subPage.id} “{$subPage.description}”)
{/foreach} {/if}
{/if} {/if} {if $sCategoryInfo.id == 2} {if $sMenu.gLeft3}
- {se name=“MenuLeftHeading3”}Title 3{/se}
{foreach from=$sMenu.gLeft3 item=item} - [{$item.description}]({if $item.link}{$item.link}{else}{url controller=custom sCustom=$item.id title=$item.description}{/if} “{$item.description}”) {if $item.active && $item.subPages}
{foreach $item.subPages as $subPage} - [{$subPage.description}]({url controller=custom sCustom=$subPage.id} “{$subPage.description}”)
{/foreach} {/if}
{/if} {/if} [/code] Hope this helps! Succes! I will also post the answer in the German forum.
Hi, If I understand your question correctly, you just have to go to “Shop pages” in the backend, and reassign/create new pages to different groups. Hope this helps
Thanks Tiago, but this won’t do the trick for me. But the solution from Jeroen worked fine!