Introducing forum moderators

Dear folks,

it is finally about time to give you a short introduction to our forum moderators, is it not?


@Max_Shop is the one who breaks the statistics of the Shopware community forum. More than 8.8k viewed topics, with 38k posts, in less than two and a half years. Besides continuously collecting more likes for his more than 3.8k posts, he strives to help improve the Shopware developer documentation. As a freelancer with over a decade of professional experience, he helps small and medium-sized businesses maintain, customize and optimize their Shopware online stores.


@EikeBrandtWarneke, AKA @kekster started working with Shopware as a developer more than ten years ago and joined the community (forum, slack etc.) shortly after, visited the forum 2.3k days since and read 32.7k posts (14 per day) in this time. Today he is helping other shop owners as a freelancer and as an Extension Partner in the Shopware Community Store - and, when his two children don’t require all his attention, he tries to be an active community member as much as possible.

The most important roles of the moderators are to lead by example, and ensure that forum remains a safe space for members to share their toughest challenges and highest aspirations. With other words, they prevent us from disturbing spam, they intervene in disputes etc. In order to manage this volunteer (!) job, @EikeBrandtWarneke and @Max_Shop are stuffed with some special rights in this space.

Treat them kind, appreciate and listen to them!

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