Installation - Slim Application Error


during the installation process, after configuration step, we’ve got Slim Application Error. Here’s the screenshot: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

We’ve checked the system requirements the Shopware needs and setup also confirmed that everything is in order in the first step of the installation process.

We have:

  • Linux Ubuntu 20.04 LTS / 64 bit
  • PHP 7.4.23
  • memory limit 512mb
  • max execution time 30 seconds

Besides that, we have bought Shopware Pro license, but setup didn’t ask us anywhere to insert it. Do we insert that later inside the shop backend?

Best regards

To add one more thing. Backend is accessible, but we are not sure that everything is set up properly, given the fact that this error came up at the end of the setup.

It would be nice if someone can reply soon, since we are stuck with this now, can’t proceed further with setting up our shop.


The first steps would be to test if something really missing or not working. I can only guess from the „logs“ you have added, that some PHP functions that were needed are blocked. But im no Expert for that type of Error Message.

Does your System meet the requirements of Shopware? Was there a red icon?
As it is a fresh installation, did you try a new installation? Who is your Hosting provider?

Hello Daniel,

well frontend was wrecked, now it looks and works ok. As far as we see everything works in backend too, but we can’t know that until we start using the system further. Hopefully everything will be ok.

Our systems meets all requirements, Shopware confirmed that on step number 2 of the setup. Everything was marked as green. We tried fresh installation twice and both times we got this error. Obviously some function does not close out properly.

We have Dogado hosting, which are also Shopware hosting partner.

As these are Shopware Partners, I would suggest contacting dogado directly.