How to use the Import/Export CSV in Shopware 6.1.5 ?

Despite all of my attempts, I was unable to import categories/products/media from my one Shopware 6 to another one.

I receive such errors shown bellow. Even when I have no errors and when it shows that the import succedded, still no products are being imported as it shows that there are 0 records.

You are using the default profiles or custom profiles?

The default Ones,

I am exporting from 6.1.5 version and trying to import to another 6.1.5.

I tried with categories/media and products as well.

[@Moritz Naczenski]( Naczenski “Moritz Naczenski”)‍ Is the feature still in beta mode? Do you know what changes can we do so it will work?

It works fine for me - so I don’t know where your issue comes from.

Perhaps you can share your csvs here and we can test it.


Can you give me an email so I can send you the csv files as well as the failed csv file  [@Moritz Naczenski]( Naczenski “Moritz Naczenski”)‍ ?

Actually here is a link for the files csv - Google Drive

This is an already imported file, not the original one, because the error-column is already there.

Please share a newly exported one.


[@Moritz Naczenski]( Naczenski „Moritz Naczenski“)‍ I shared both of the files in the link, there are 2 imported files with the errors and 2 not imported ones

The CSV is using some uuids (e.g. for taxes, sales-channel) did you change those IDs to the IDs of the target system? 

When opening the CSV some of the mandatory fields are empty (like name, price, …) and those products can’t be imported. The current version of 6.1.5 does not support variants.

To get your CSV working, you need to do:

  • change the uuids to the uuids of the target system

  • remove all variants of the csv

Thank you for the clarification, but when will the variant import also be available?

hey [@Moritz Naczenski]( Naczenski “Moritz Naczenski”)‍ we have this csv file and just cant get it to work -can you give us some direction?



You need to create an own profile for products and map your columns to the shopware fields.

What have you tried so far?

thats what we did but it doesn’t generate a product without binary ID column…

To create a product the uuid can stay empty, you only need a product number.

i uploaded it and mapped the fileds i needed (price, describtion and Kategorie)

but it didnt work. why?

the mapping is fairly easy, but it didnt work…

is there ANY sample file you can provide so i can just copy my content to your sample CSV and import that?

that would be great and i’m happy to pay for it if needed thanks!! :slight_smile:

You can create a sample file by your own: just create a product in the administration, export the default profile for products, change the product number to a non-existing one and remove the id column. 

1 „Gefällt mir“

I will also try to see if that works

[@Moritz Naczenski]( Naczenski „Moritz Naczenski“)‍ and how to import the custom fields for a product ? And how to import the properties of a product ?

[@Moritz Naczenski]( Naczenski “Moritz Naczenski”)‍ it seems that the whole import exmport is not working at all.

I am exporting some products,

deleting the variants and id column,

changing the article id’s

and then trying to import the csv file.

It shows a successful import, however the number of imported records is shown as 0 and no new products appear in the product list.