Hallo Zusammen,
ich versuche einen SHopware 5.6.4 auf Shopware zu migrieren. Leider werden die Daten nur teilweise migriert. Die Kunden und Bestellungen leider garnicht im Log steht dieser fehler (Kleiner Auszug):
Migration log generated at 24.09.2020 07:19:59 UTC
Run id: 8878871a4b6e445dbde51fd1dda9626f
Status: finished
Created at: 24.09.2020 07:19:16 UTC
Updated at: 24.09.2020 07:19:38 UTC
Last control user id: F994CBE8AE484C32BB0FB5E461548481
Connection id: 1328fbf23d1f409690900c008fe711f0
Connection name: SW5 Tortentuning
Profile: shopware56
Gateway: api
Selected data:
- basicSettings (total: 6)
- language (total: 0)
- category_custom_field (total: 0)
- category (total: 0)
- customer_group_custom_field (total: 0)
- customer_group (total: 0)
- currency (total: 0)
- sales_channel (total: 1)
- number_range (total: 5) - customersOrders (total: 161)
- customer_custom_field (total: 0)
- customer (total: 78)
- shipping_method (total: 1)
- order_custom_field (total: 0)
- order (total: 60)
- order_document_custom_field (total: 0)
- order_document (total: 22) - processMediaFiles (total: 22)
- media (total: 22)
The language entity already exists
The language entity with source id “1” already exists and cannot be written.
Unsupported number range type
NumberRange-Entity with source id “926” could not be converted because of unsupported type: sSERVICE1.
Unsupported number range type
NumberRange-Entity with source id “927” could not be converted because of unsupported type: sSERVICE2.
Unsupported number range type
NumberRange-Entity with source id “928” could not be converted because of unsupported type: blogordernumber.
An exception occurred
Entity: sales_channel, sourceId: 56e4c039485144e89ebf38c73fe4a56f
Value is not a valid UUID:
An exception occurred
Entity: number_range, sourceId: 9fe0dbd13b694ae481bfa98a9fdf1152
An exception occurred while executing ‘INSERT INTO number_range_sales_channel
, number_range_id
, sales_channel_id
, number_range_type_id
, created_at
) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)’ with params ["\xaf\x20\x28\x1f\x75\xc5\x4b\xb5\xa0\xd4\xc3\xef\xf4\x29\x4e\x5a", “\x69\x81\x4c\x7a\x1f\xf2\x41\x41\x97\x90\x94\x70\xdb\x2e\x6e\xe6”, “\xc5\x44\xb1\x66\xb0\x2a\x46\xd0\xb4\x5f\xf9\xe1\x57\x97\xd2\xb9”, “\x9f\x26\x17\x24\x03\xf2\x46\xbd\xb9\x5c\x0f\x7c\x8c\xfa\x08\x62”, “2020-09-24 07:19:32.399”]:SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (tortentunsw6
, CONSTRAINT fk.number_range_sales_channel.sales_channel_id
FOREIGN KEY (sales_channel_id
) REFERENCES sales_channel