Extending "Bare"-Theme's PDF Template for Invoice?

BS"D I sadly ended up editing the documents/index.tpl template because I couldn’t figure out how to extend it… 1) My active Theme is “XXX” which extends from the “Responsive” Theme. 2) When in the SW Backend, I go to SHOPEINSTELLUNGEN > PDF-BELEGERSTELLUNG > RECHNUNG > “Vorschau” Button, it seems to always take the documents/index.tpl template from the “Bare”-Theme, regardless if I’ve extended this template in my (active) “XXX”-Theme 3) I extended the documents/index.tpl template like this: - I created a new file under themes/Frontend/XXX/documents/ with the name “index.tpl”. - I added on the top: {extends file=“parent:documents/index.tpl”} - I changed a block from documents/index.tpl in this new template to test that it works. - I recompiled all themes and emptied all caches [code] {extends file=“parent:documents/index.tpl”} {block name=“document_index_info_net”}


{/block} [/code] It didn’t work! What am I missing? Can I extend Document Templates at all? Thank you! P.

The Code looks alright. 1.Do you really clear the generated pdf from server? 2.Check Einstellungen > Grundeinstellungen > Shopeinstellung > PDF-Belegerstellungen > Rechnung Template: index.tpl selected ?

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BS"D Vielen Dank! Both conditions were fulfilled. Even if in theme manager a derived theme „XXX“ is selected and you compile the themes, the document templates seem to always be taken from the „Bare“ theme, as if they were only extendable within this „bare“ theme. So I had to extend „documents/index.tpl“ with „documents/index2.tpl“ within the „Bare theme“ which is not very clean, since I have a „XXX“ theme for extending. Under Einstellungen > Grundeinstellungen > Shopeinstellung > PDF-Belegerstellungen > Rechnung Template: there’s, of course, index2.tpl selected. What a pity that I can’t still extend the document/* templates from a derived theme and have to touch the „Base“ Theme for this purpose. I wonder what will happen with updates. Anyone an idea? Thank you so much!