Does shopware pwa support shopware 6.5 backend?

I’m just checking out shopware to see if its suitable for a project I’m working on. I’m running the latest dockware dev image that has version I would like to check out the PWA storefront. I downloaded the extension and first snag was that there is no Settings->System->Plugins, but there is Extensions. So I tried uploading PWA there. However when trying to install I got the following error:

 Failed Dependency
Required plugin/package "shopware/core ~6.4.0" does not match installed version ==

Does PWA not support 6.5 ? Is there a different installation procedure?

Shopware 6.5 was released a month ago. Maybe the PWA developers need some time so implement the necessary changes to be compatible with 6.5

Perhaps. I thought maybe 6.5 doesn’t need the PWA swag plugin and it has everything PWA needs builtin already? Nope. When I try to install PWA manually pointing it to 6.5 API endpoint it complains the pwa swag plugin isn’t installed.

It appears the pwa swag plugin adds api methods used by pwa.