Can you use snippets or variables in text blocks of category pages?

We have some information on our website that is repeated on several pages: e.g. number of employees, number of countries we are active in, our address, specific e-mail addresses or contact persons, …

This info changes from time to time. Then, we have to manually check on which pages this info is used and change the info on all pages. It would be more efficient if we could put this info in a variable or snippet, which we can then insert in the text of our CMS pages. That way, when the info changes, we only have to change it in 1 place and we can be sure the info is changed everywhere it is used.

When you open a category in the Shopware admin and you choose the tab ‚Layout‘, you can enter text for that page in the text blocks. You can add variables linked to the category.

  • But is it also possible to use snippets here?
  • Or is there an option to create/use variables (e.g. for numbers only or other info that doesn’t need translating)?

If so, how do you do that?

Thank you for any advice you could give us!

What is you exact question here?

Hi Marco, as I described above: if it is possible to use snippets in text blocks of category pages. So without coding, just using it inside CMS text with a tag notation or so?

Sorry, dear, that took a while… Yes, this is indeed possible. Check this out: