I am currently experiencing an issue with cache cleaning on our production website. The problem I’m encountering is that when I access the cache/performance page, it loads correctly, but the cache-clearing process is unresponsive.
Upon further investigation, I inspected the browser console under the network tab and observed that the request to clear the cache is resulting in a 500 error. I have attached a screenshot of this error for your reference.
Given the urgency of our need to implement certain changes and install a new plugin that requires cache clearance, I kindly request your assistance in resolving this issue promptly.
If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to reach out. Your help in resolving this matter is greatly appreciated.
I have reviewed the backend logs but couldn’t pinpoint the exact issue based on the information available. Could you kindly assist in identifying the problem, as the error seems to be recorded in the error log file? I have attached the log file error code here for your reference.
exception 'Shopware\Components\CSRFTokenValidationException' with message 'The provided X-CSRF-Token for path "/" is invalid. Please go back, reload the page and try again.' in /engine/Shopware/Components/CSRFTokenValidator.php:155 Stack trace:
With the attached logs, we barely understand what could be wrong with your System.
The first log seems to be about corrupted paths for, what I assume, are intel drivers.
Reinstalling the drivers might fix the driver issue.
The CSRF Issue could be related to a bot, which wouldn’t necessarily mean that it’s the issue you are facing in your Backend.
Could you kindly confirm whether updating the installation, plugins, or PHP version will not result in any changes or removal of existing configurations and data?
Also please provide me the steps or guide for the update process of shopware.
Updating always has a certain risk to it, you could break something or everything works out fine.
Before making upgrades, you should make regular backups and test any planned changes on a test system.
Once there is everything alright, you can bring the changes to your live environment.
@SCOOPEX has sent the right upgrade guide to help you with that matter.