article properties in listing page



I am trying to display article properties in listing page of the products.

I edited the file frontend / listing / product-box / box-basic.tpl and added the code

{foreach $sArticle.sProperties as $sProperty}




But it doesn’t display anything , But the code is present in details/tabs/description page for displaying article properties . refered the code from the page but it doesn’t work in lsiting 

anyone can help me on this?

Hi annamalai,

per default the properties of a product are not loaded in the listing. You will need to add this via plugin extension. The products are delivered by this method \sArticles::sGetArticlesByCategory()

best regards from Schöppingen

cool Michael Telgmann

Hi annamalai,

I had the same problem and solved it with this plugin:

  1. create the folder “EigenschaftenInKategorie”. Then you have the path engine/Shopware/Plugins/Community/Frontend/EigenschaftenInKategorie

  2. create a “Bootstrap.php” with the php-content from the link inside the folder “EigenschaftenInKategorie”

  3. install the plugin with the plugin manager (backend)

  4. you can use sProperties

2 „Gefällt mir“

Hi, this only works in the fírst page of a listing, not on the next (if there is more than one of course).

It is gone then. By removing the cache (ctrl-F5 or R) it is back again, but as soon as you change the page it disappeared? 


How can this be resolved?