Adding variants to Google Feed XML


I am trying to edit the Google Feed XML to add some fields missing but not sure how this should be done. I’m selling t-shirts and there are different sizes and colours but this information it’s not already in the feed. As far as I know this needs to be added using a id group for this type of products but don’t see the way to do this using the current options in the backend. It seems to be adding a different item for each variant but how can I tell which one is going in each item?



you need to activate the “Exports variants” option for the feed. Then try a {$sArticle|print_r} to see what’s in there for the variants.

Good luck,


Hi @vanwittlaer‍ ,

I already have that option enabled and it is exporting a node for each one but I don’t know how to display the current variant, wouldn’t display always the same? I’m going to try that {$sArticle|print_r}  and post my results

Thanks :slight_smile:

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