Probleme mit Paypal auf Shopware 5.5.1

SW 5.5.1 - PayPal 1.0.7 - Live & Sandbox: Egal ob Cart, Details, FlyOut-Cart…

[2018-10-06 11:47:03] plugin.ERROR: PayPal: Could not process express-checkout due to a communication failure {"message":"Client error response [url] [status code] 400 [reason phrase] Bad Request","payload":"{\"name\":\"VALIDATION_ERROR\",\"details\":[{\"field\":\"transactions.amount.details\",\"issue\":\"Currency amount must be non-negative number, may optionally contain exactly 2 decimal places separated by '.', optional thousands separator ',', limited to 7 digits before the decimal point and currency which is a valid ISO Currency Code\"}],\"message\":\"Invalid request - see details\",\"information_link\":\"\",\"debug_id\":\"a116abb28b6ce\"}"} {"uid":"42f13d3"}