After upgrade footer and header nagivation links are missing

Hi again,

For topbar navigation you need to change frontend/index/topbar-navigation.tpl (Depending on your theme) {include file=„widgets/index/menu.tpl“ sGroup=gLeft } to {include file=„widgets/index/menu.tpl“ sGroup=left }

For Footer navigation frontend/index/footer-navigation.tpl (Depending on your theme) change {foreach $sMenu.gBottom as $item} to {foreach $sMenu.bottom  as $item}

And for minimal footer frontend/index/footer_minimal.tpl (Depending on your theme) - change {include file=„widgets/index/menu.tpl“ sGroup=gLeft } to {include file=„widgets/index/menu.tpl“ sGroup=left }

I think this should do the trick.


