Login für das Shopware Backend speichern

man kann das passwort vom browser speichern lassen, wenn man diese datei wie folgt anpasst: /themes/Backend/ExtJs/backend/login/view/main/form.js //{namespace name=backend/login/view/main} Ext.define(‚ACField‘, { extend: ‚Ext.form.field.Text‘, initComponent: function() { Ext.each(this.fieldSubTpl, function(oneTpl, idx, allItems) { if (Ext.isString(oneTpl)) { allItems[idx] = oneTpl.replace(‚autocomplete=„off“‘, ‚autocomplete=„on“‘); } }); this.callParent(arguments); } }); /** * Shopware UI - Login - Form View * * todo@all: Documentation */ //{block name=„backend/login/view/main/form“} Ext.define(‚Shopware.apps.Login.view.main.Form‘, { extend: ‚Ext.form.Panel‘, plain: true, frame: false, border: false, alias: ‚widget.login-main-form‘, bodyStyle: ‚border-bottom-color: transparent‘, preventHeader: true, defaults: { labelWidth: 100, width: 370 }, autoEl: { //normal post for false submit tag: ‚form‘, action: „#“, method: ‚post‘ }, /** * Initializes the view * * @return void */ initComponent: function() { var me = this; if(Ext.ieVersion === 0 || Ext.ieVersion >= 9) { // Create the headline me.headline = Ext.create(‚Ext.container.Container‘, { html: ’

{s name=title/login}Login Shopware Backend{/s}

’ }); // Username field me.userName = Ext.create(‚ACField‘, { name: ‚username‘, allowBlank: true, value: ‚‘, emptyText: ‚{s name=field/username}Username{/s}‘ }); // Passwort field me.password = Ext.create(‚ACField‘, { inputType: ‚password‘, name: ‚password‘, allowBlank: true, value: ‚‘, emptyText: ‚{s name=field/password}Password{/s}‘ }); // Language switcher me.language = Ext.create(‚Ext.form.field.ComboBox‘, { type: ‚remote‘, name: ‚locale‘, store: me.localeStore, queryMode: ‚local‘, emptyText: ‚{s name=field/locale/empty_text}Select other language…{/s}‘, displayField: ‚name‘, valueField: ‚id‘, cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + ‚form-combo‘ }); me.items = [me.headline, me.userName, me.password, me.language]; //set the focus on the first textbox me.userName.focus(false, 125); me.dockedItems = [{ xtype: ‚toolbar‘, dock: ‚bottom‘, ui: ‚shopware-ui‘, cls: ‚shopware-toolbar‘, style: ‚background: transparent;box-shadow: none‘, items: [’->’,{ xtype: ‚button‘, cls: ‚primary‘, text: ‚{s name=button/login}Login{/s}‘, action: ‚login‘, margin: ‚0 48 0 0‘ }] }]; } else { me.headline = Ext.create(‚Ext.container.Container‘, { html: ’

{s name=title/login}Login Shopware Backend{/s}

’ }); me.items = [me.headline, { xtype: ‚box‘, cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + ‚ie-notice‘, html: me.getIEWarning() }]; } me.callParent(arguments); // Show hint if the browser is not Google Chrome if(!Ext.isChrome) { me.chromeHint = Ext.create(‚Ext.container.Container‘, { cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + ‚google-chrome-hint‘, html: me.getInfoTemplate().applyTemplate({ link: ‚Google Chrome‘ }) }); me.add(me.chromeHint); } }, getIEWarning: function() { return new Ext.Template( ’
', ’

{s name=content/ie/teaser}{/s}

', ’

{s name=content/ie/text}{/s}

', ’
', '-
', '-
', '-
', '-
', ‚‘, ’
’ ) }, getInfoTemplate: function() { return new Ext.Template( ’
', ’ ', ’
{s name=content/google_chrome_hint}For optimum browser performance we recommend using [link].{/s}
', ’

', ’
’ ); } }); //{/block}

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