Hi, I’m trying to hook shopware onto an own erp system. My propblem is, that I always get this message: „Cannot set child as parent to node: 71“ I tried to work around it, by catching this exception and create a temporary category inside of the target category. Then move the category and delete the temporary element. This only happens if the target category has no children. How do I work around it? (By the way: In the Backend I can’t move a child to another child(that has no children).) I know that it isn’t the golden way to create, move and then delete the stuff, but it is right know the only way that I see to fix this without revamping classes of shopware or corruption the database. I appreciate any help. Chris
Hi dragon001, can you provide a stripped-down example of the categories you are trying to create - so I could take a closer look at that? Thanks in advance, Daniel