When editing email templates how to change the variables?

Hi Everyone!

When comes to edit the email templates (configuration\email templates) in spite of the given documentaions on the top right corner I see Sample variables and not information on variables.

So whenever I try to test sending emails to a customer it provides me the demo shop header along with its adress etc. besides couple of other german words.

Does anyone know how  can I edit those variables ?

MAny thanks in advance

The MailContext will be updated when the mail is sent via the process it is normally used by. (e.g. registration in the frontend).

1 „Gefällt mir“

On the generated pdf invoice it still gives me „shipping cotst“ in english, however I have translated everything  (also bought the hungarian language package).
Could you help me where the change it?


On the generated pdf invoice it still gives me “shipping cotst” in english, however I have translated everything  (also bought the hungarian language package).
Could you help me where the change it?