Guten Tag Zusammen,
aktuell bin ich bei der Umstellung meines Shops auf
Beides sind aktuelle Shopware & Systeme.
Das Tool ist installiert wie in den Docs vorgegeben (auf beiden Seiten) und entsprechend konfiguriert.
Auch der Verbindungsaufbau funktioniert und die Kategorien werden übertragen.
Leider aber sonst nichts, Kunden, Bestellungen, Newsletter, Media alles geht nicht.
Anbei mein Vorhaben:
Connection id: 7c5e2c16619d458889c8cb60fbc76085
Connection name: NFtoNR
Profile: shopware63
Gateway: api
Selected data:
- basicSettings (total: 1022)
- language (total: 30)
- currency (total: 1)
- unit (total: 3)
- media_folder (total: 10)
- media_folder_inheritance (total: 0)
- category (total: 39)
- category_association (total: 31)
- country (total: 250)
- country_state (total: 291)
- salutation (total: 4)
- customer_group (total: 1)
- custom_field_set (total: 3)
- rule (total: 27)
- snippet_set (total: 30)
- snippet (total: 15)
- mail_template (total: 34)
- delivery_time (total: 5)
- shipping_method (total: 4)
- sales_channel (total: 2)
- sales_channel_domain (total: 3)
- system_config (total: 223)
- product_sorting (total: 5)
- order_document_base_config (total: 4)
- number_range (total: 7)
- products (total: 452)
- tax (total: 3)
- tax_rule (total: 75)
- property_group (total: 4)
- product_feature_set (total: 2)
- product_manufacturer (total: 51)
- product (total: 214)
- main_variant_relation (total: 0)
- product_stream (total: 11)
- product_stream_filter_inheritance (total: 26)
- product_cross_selling (total: 66)
- media (total: 299)
- media (total: 299)
- promotions (total: 987)
- customer (total: 984)
- promotion (total: 3)
- customersOrders (total: 2054)
- order (total: 936)
- order_document (total: 1050)
- order_document_inheritance (total: 68)
- productReviews (total: 80)
- product_review (total: 80)
- cms (total: 60)
- cms_page (total: 15)
- category_cms_page_association (total: 39)
- page_system_config (total: 6)
- newsletterRecipient (total: 19)
- newsletter_recipient (total: 19)
- seoUrls (total: 1040)
- seo_url_template (total: 5)
- seo_url (total: 1035)
- processMediaFiles (total: 1756)
- media (total: 1756)
Dazugehörige Fehler:
A write exception has occurred
„entity“: „product“,
„dataId“: „d581405acca44574a68e9ac018333c66“,
„error“: {
„status“: „400“,
„detail“: „This field is write-protected.“,
„template“: „This field is write-protected.“,
„meta“: {
„parameters“: [
„source“: {
„pointer“: „/12/streamIdsstreamIds“
An exception occurred
Entity: product, sourceId: a97bca01ee4f49ba9c8d9ac9092f0227
There are 1 error(s) while writing data.1. [/0/streamIdsstreamIds] This field is write-protected.
A write exception has occurred
„entity“: „product“,
„dataId“: „dc4df726f2694ba5909df775a2cd575a“,
„error“: {
„status“: „400“,
„detail“: „This field is write-protected.“,
„template“: „This field is write-protected.“,
„meta“: {
„parameters“: [
„source“: {
„pointer“: „/7/streamIdsstreamIds“
An exception occurred
Entity: product_cross_selling, sourceId: db832e0e0283483c9886ab4d2108143d
An exception occurred while executing ‚INSERT INTO product_cross_selling
, product_id
, product_version_id
, position
, sort_by
, sort_direction
, type
, active
, limit
, created_at
) VALUES (‚B5Du‘,‚x!aO#z‘,‚jKKu,4%‘,‚1‘,‚name‘,‚ASC‘,‚productList‘,‚1‘,‚24‘,‚2022-08-08 20:02:28.655‘);‘:SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (dbs8250141
, CONSTRAINT fk.product_cross_selling.product_id
FOREIGN KEY (product_id
, product_version_id
) REFERENCES product
, version_id
An exception occurred
Entity: order_document, sourceId: 96f2326d22c844b4bad86c1a9dc69dda
An exception occurred while executing ‚INSERT INTO document
, document_type_id
, order_id
, document_media_file_id
, order_version_id
, file_type
, config
, sent
, static
, deep_link_code
, created_at
) VALUES (‘[D’,‚_WH#‘,‚INtPZ‘,‚W ~MstuWO‘,‚jKKu,4%‘,‚pdf‘,'{"id":"e677819a10b741509e57ae49e168e3af","logo":{"id":"fc8f3169ae8a43648266bc6dd607ade3","alt":null,"url":"https:\/\/homepage\/media\/8f\/63\/6b\/1609351952\/firmenlogo.png","tags":null,"user":null,"title":null,"userId":"8ff10bd3a3e2462a92e4a52a77312dbd","hasFile":true,"private":false,"cmsPages":null,"fileName":"Firmenlogo","fileSize":55682,"metaData":{"type":3,"width":360,"height":253},"mimeType":"image\/png","cmsBlocks":null,"createdAt":"2020-12-30T18:12:31.697+00:00","documents":null,"mediaType":{"name":"IMAGE","flags":["transparent"],"extensions":},"updatedAt":"2020-12-30T18:12:32.276+00:00","versionId":null,"avatarUser":null,"categories":null,"extensions":{"foreignKeys":{"apiAlias":null,"extensions":},"internal_mapping_storage":{"apiAlias":null,"extensions":}},"thumbnails":,"translated":{"alt":null,"title":null,"customFields":},"uploadedAt":"2020-12-30T18:12:32.266+00:00","cmsSections":null,"mediaFolder":null,"customFields":null,"productMedia":null,"thumbnailsRo":"O:77:\"Shopware\\Core\\Content\\Media\\Aggregate\\MediaThumbnail\\MediaThumbnailCollection\":2:{s:11:\"\u0000*\u0000elements\";a:0:{}s:13:\"\u0000*\u0000extensions\";a:0:
An exception occurred
Entity: media, sourceId: fc9834038a5e46389a17442a21c3ef85
The File for media object with id: fc9834038a5e46389a17442a21c3ef85 is not supported for creating thumbnails.
The media file cannot be downloaded / copied
The media file with the uri homepagelink/api/_action/document/94b03a44646240e8905abbebce2558ea/iD0kATip0FiYcBjb5Xyz5zCsWxRDYRNH" and media id „c5f5085323554e72902fbe2818995b89“ cannot be downloaded / copied.
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Besten Dank!