Can anyone explain how Shopware counts VAT in total price for Cart?
I have a cart with one product that costs 1.309 euro. Tax rate is 19%, so tax value is 0.24871. This I can understand: 1.309/100*19=0,24871.
But then it adds shipping cost (2 euro). It somehow makes 3.3074732824427 euro (don’t konow how), but even more strange for me that 19% from this amount makes 0.56871. How they are calculating this? 3.307/100*19 is about 0.63, and 3.307/119*19 is about 0.53, but not 0.57.
Also, is there any way to change this algorithm programmatically? I use in my Calculator $this->taxCalculator->calculateNetTaxes() for every product, but it doesn’t count total sum. And method $toCalculate->setPrice() in my CartProcessor doesn’t work.