Shopware update isseu


we are facing some issues with shopware latest update issue? Is there anyone facing the same ?


Yes, there are several threads in the German section. Maybe you could use a translator.

The minimum requirements for Shopware 6.5 are higher than 6.4. Do you pass them?

we were using, and tried to update but while updating , it gave unsuccessful result, and admin page was fully blank

6.5 has many breaking changes which is practical a nightmare for an update when you have any plugins installed. Also many changes are either 6.4 or 6.5 only so the update is pretty painful if you have a plugin that is using one of these functions.
Actually you have to deactivate first any plugins, do the core update, update all plugins, reactivate the plugins. Of course check first if the plugins are compat to 6.5 (and really are, maybe do everything on a stage before).

Hi, Thanks for the comment. We couldn’t deactivate the plugin , it’s giving an error regarding the foreign key in the data base since one of our sale channel is using shopware language pack plugin, so that we are not able to deactivate the plugin and do the update. Is there any alternate way to achieve this?

if you have ssh access you might use the console-tool to deactivate the plugin. You can also move the plugin folder away ([webroot]/custom/plugin/…). The 3rd way would be to deactivate the plugin by editing the table „plugin“ there is a col named „active“ with 1 and 0 (0=false).


hi thanks for the suggestion . We tried all the combinations and we were still getting foreign key constrain exception in the update process.

Hey, we are still getting the error with the plugin. When we disable the plugin using the database, we proceeded with the update, but it went wrong. So , is there any other way to fix this issue?

It is definetly essential to flush the cache once the plugin is disabled. never the less I would also move the plugin in charge to another folder.
Anyway no idea what happens when you try to apply a failed update over and over again. Maybe makes sense to first rollback back the data, before running the update procedure.

Maybe you could post the constraint exception so we can try to figure out the root cause of the problem.

„exception“ => ErrorException {
#message: „User Deprecated: Since symfony/messenger 6.2: Implementing „Symfony\Component\Messenger\Handler\MessageSubscriberInterface“ is deprecated, use the „Symfony\Component\Messenger\Attribute\AsMessageHandler“ attribute instead.“
#code: 0
#file: „/var/www/vhosts/“
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› require_once DIR . ‚/…/vendor/autoload_runtime.php‘;


„exception“ => ErrorException {
#message: „“"
User Deprecated: Nesting transactions without enabling savepoints is deprecated.\n
Call Doctrine\DBAL\Connection::setNestTransactionsWithSavepoints(true) to enable savepoints. (Connection.php:1380 called by Connection.php:1273, Deprecate transaction nesting without savepoints by greg0ire · Pull Request #5383 · doctrine/dbal · GitHub , package doctrine/dbal)
#code: 0
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› require_once DIR . ‚/…/vendor/autoload_runtime.php‘;


„exception“ => ErrorException {
#message: „User Deprecated: Since shopware/core : Method „Shopware\Core\Content\Media\Message\GenerateThumbnailsMessage::Shopware\Core\Content\Media\Message\GenerateThumbnailsMessage::withContext()“ is deprecated and will be removed in v6.6.0.0.“
#code: 0
#file: „/var/www/vhosts/“
#line: 186
trace: {
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› require_once DIR . ‚/…/vendor/autoload_runtime.php‘;


#code: „23000“
#file: „/var/www/vhosts/“
#line: 32
+errorInfo: [
„Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (test3.system_config, CONSTRAINT fk.system_config.sales_channel_id FOREIGN KEY (sales_channel_id) REFERENCES sales_channel (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE)“

i have pasted the error

I would to switch the error off first:

error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_USER_DEPRECATED);

or do this with in the PHP.ini. Deprecation does not really means that this is an error.