Hi Experts,
i have really strange case by my shope:
i have 7 product categies = 7 webpages.
6 of them load the products list with 3 column product boxs with the following product attributes:
1- class="product–image.
2- class="product–rating-container.
3- class=„product–price-info“.
so the product description is missing !!
but one of categories page load the products list with 2 column product boxs with the following product attributes:
1- class="product–image.
2- class="product–rating-container.
— > 3- class="product–description.
in this list the product description is shown !! and everything is okay !
the source code for all categories and pages is the same the path of it is:
{namespace name="frontend/listing/box_article"}
{block name="frontend_listing_box_article"}
{block name="frontend_listing_box_article_content"}
{* Product box badges - highlight, newcomer, ESD product and discount *}
{block name='frontend_listing_box_article_badges'}
{include file="frontend/listing/product-box/product-badges.tpl"}
{block name='frontend_listing_box_article_info_container'}
{* Product image *}
{block name='frontend_listing_box_article_picture'}
{include file="frontend/listing/product-box/product-image.tpl"}
{* Customer rating for the product *}
{block name='frontend_listing_box_article_rating'}
{if !{config name=VoteDisable}}
{if $sArticle.sVoteAverage.average}
{include file='frontend/_includes/rating.tpl' points=$sArticle.sVoteAverage.average type="aggregated" label=false microData=false}
{* Product name *}
{block name='frontend_listing_box_article_name'}
{* Variant description *}
{block name='frontend_listing_box_variant_description'}
{if $sArticle.attributes.swagVariantConfiguration}
{foreach $sArticle.attributes.swagVariantConfiguration->get('value') as $group}
{$group.groupName}: {$group.optionName} {if !$group@last}|{/if}
{* Product description *}
{block name='frontend_listing_box_article_description'}
{block name='frontend_listing_box_article_price_info'}
{* Product price - Unit price *}
{block name='frontend_listing_box_article_unit'}
{include file="frontend/listing/product-box/product-price-unit.tpl"}
{* Product price - Default and discount price *}
{block name='frontend_listing_box_article_price'}
{include file="frontend/listing/product-box/product-price.tpl"}
{block name="frontend_listing_box_article_buy"}
{if {config name="displayListingBuyButton"}}
{if $sArticle.allowBuyInListing}
{include file="frontend/listing/product-box/button-buy.tpl"}
{include file="frontend/listing/product-box/button-detail.tpl"}
{* Product actions - Compare product, more information *}
{block name='frontend_listing_box_article_actions'}
{include file="frontend/listing/product-box/product-actions.tpl"}
So i spent 2 day to find a solution and until now i couldnt … any body can help !
Thanks in Advanced