I’m trying to change the state of an order-return as described here
but all I get as a return is „404 Route not found“.
I tried
POST /api/_action/order_return/{returnId}/state/in_progress
And also tried all other possible mentioned states for order-return, but none of them are working.
I need to change it to „done“ in the end, but as far as I know I can’t go there directly from „open“
and need to go past „in_progress“.
I can see via
GET /api/order-return/{returnId}/state
that the current state is „open“.
So I also assume that the returnId must be correct or that should fail as well.
Any idea what else could result in this error or what I’m not seeing?
Tested it with a dev-setup for Beyond as I know it isn’t available in the Community addition.
The state-transitions work fine for „order“ and „order_delivery“, but I can’t get them to to work for the returns.
Any help would be greatly appreciated