Need a lot of help understanding Categories/pages/ menu items

I am new to SW 6 coming from Joomla where categories, article(pages) menu items are clearly understood.

I am unable to figure how the SW elements work together to create a simple menu items that links to a specific page

to top it off I am working on the site in German not to bad google translate helps a lot.

I have tried in the German forums but not getting any help.

I have read and viewed tutorials and still how this works is beyond me.

The problem is in the footer section


  • [Datenschutz]

The site I am working on is on my hosting services:

I desperately need some help understanding this Any help how to assign pages to menu items

Update the [Datenschutz menu item has a link added to it however it’s showing Lorem ipsum text and not the full page details the full page is assigned to the menu item and it should show the entire content not random generated lorem Ipsum text. I double check and there i snot send [Datenschutz page with lorem ipsum text.

Help is needed

figured out no need to respond

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