Multiple languages in Shopping World - Code Element

Hi There,

i’m using Code Elements in a Shopping World in order to create some tabular data as a HTML table (as seen below).
I would like to reuse the Shopping World for multiple language stores but i’m unsure if it is possible to translate the text within my table headers

Is this in any way possible?

     Is this translatable??
     Hoogte bodem
     Hoogte deksel

Extreme 10
320mm x 235mm x 45mm

Extreme 40
396mm x 295mm x 49mm

Extreme 60
450mm x 335mm x 100mm

Extreme 375
375mm x 243mm x 131mm



Have a look at snippets (smarty, references in the developer and frontend documentation from shopware provided).

To give you an easy answer:

Instead of

Is this translatable??


{s name='MY_UNIQUE_SNIPPET_NAME'}Is this translatable??{/s}

For Example:

{s name='SitionIsItTranslatable'}Is this translatable??{/s}

Save the shopping world, than clear the caches (for being absolutely sure compile the theme afterwards) and load the Frontend-Site containing the desired shopping world.

Now go back to the backend (configuration->text snippets (or something similar, don’t have english backend right now)), select the default language and search for “SitionIsItTranslatable” or “Is this translatable??”.

The wanted snippet should appear. Via the globe-icon on the right you should be able to translate your snippet now.


1 „Gefällt mir“

Hi steinsoftware,

Thanks for the tip.
Unfortunately Shopware won’t render the page if I add the snippet code.
I get an error on widgets/emotion/index/emotionId/14/controllerName/listing.

Any tips?

Try adding a namespace to the snippet:

{s namespace="widgets/emotion/index/sition" name="UniqueName"}Derault Value{/s}


Hi Steinsoftware,

Allready checked that but unfortunately it doesn’t work.
I asume it doesn’t depend in which layout mode the shopping world is running? I’m using Rows.