Da der Goldstatus als Subskription scheinbar für einen vernünftigen Support von Shopware selbst nicht ausreicht, soll ich hier mal nachfragen…
Ich weiß nicht ob es mit so vielen Problemen und nicht vollständiger Doku sinnvoll ist auf Shopware 6 umzustellen, aber gut, mein Problem ist, das ich von 119895 Bestellungen lediglich nur 10589 migriert bekomme.
Im Migrationlog sind mir folgende Fehler aufgefallen:
The language entity already exists
The language entity with source id "1" already exists and cannot be written.
Unsupported number range type
NumberRange-Entity with source id "926" could not be converted because of unsupported type: sSERVICE1.
Unsupported number range type
NumberRange-Entity with source id "927" could not be converted because of unsupported type: sSERVICE2.
Unsupported number range type
NumberRange-Entity with source id "937" could not be converted because of unsupported type: doc_2_4.
Unsupported number range type
NumberRange-Entity with source id "936" could not be converted because of unsupported type: doc_1_4.
Unsupported number range type
NumberRange-Entity with source id "935" could not be converted because of unsupported type: doc_0_4.
Unsupported number range type
NumberRange-Entity with source id "934" could not be converted because of unsupported type: doc_2_2.
Unsupported number range type
NumberRange-Entity with source id "933" could not be converted because of unsupported type: doc_1_2.
Unsupported number range type
NumberRange-Entity with source id "932" could not be converted because of unsupported type: doc_0_2.
Unsupported number range type
NumberRange-Entity with source id "931" could not be converted because of unsupported type: doc_2_.
Unsupported number range type
NumberRange-Entity with source id "930" could not be converted because of unsupported type: doc_1_.
Unsupported number range type
NumberRange-Entity with source id "929" could not be converted because of unsupported type: doc_0_.
Unsupported number range type
NumberRange-Entity with source id "928" could not be converted because of unsupported type: blogordernumber.
Dann gehts weiter mit:
The customer entity has one or more empty necessary fields
The customer entity with the source id 49 does not have the necessary data for the field(s): firstname
usw .....
The customer entity has one or more empty necessary fields
The customer entity with the source id 12972 does not have the necessary data for the field(s): address data
The customer entity has one or more empty necessary fields
The customer entity with the source id 13030 does not have the necessary data for the field(s): firstname
The customer_address entity has one or more empty necessary fields
The customer_address entity with the source id 12954 does not have the necessary data for the field(s): city
The order entity has one or more empty necessary fields
The order entity with the source id 81620 does not have the necessary data for the field(s): customer
The order entity has one or more empty necessary fields
The order entity with the source id 101920 does not have the necessary data for the field(s): customer,payment
Wie finde ich raus, was er nun für ein Problem hat?