Migration Assistant (The data check is running The existing data has been checked.) PROBLEM


My Magento migration extension successfully connected to the database. But when I start the migration, the first data check is running. The existing data has been checked. It’s almost 8 hours gone and the data is still not checked. Please let me know how long it will take to check the data. because they have more than 5,000 products and 5,000 media high resolution images etc.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

Manoj Kumar

Can anybody give suggestions?

Same for me. I started the migration process hours ago but nothing happens. It just hangs in the „data check“.

I checked the process-list for the database on Magento-side. Well, there is no activity. On the Shopware side the php-fpm is idling, too. Looks like the „data check“ is not doing anything at all.

I found the issue with my setup. I’m using PHP8.1 and the migration assistent imports Magento IDs as ints but expects them as string. So, there are many many errors of this type:

must be of type string, int given, called in File.php


Return value must be of type string, int returned

Those errors are not caught by the Frontend and simply lead to a hanging interface. I started to fix the issues and I was able to make the migration work.

I had to change all of the „getSourceIdentifier“ methods to cast the return value to string. Plus, there were many calls to MappingServiceInterface::getOrCreateMapping where I needed to cast the id-parameters to strings.