Hi guys, I have to evaluate if our company could use shopware for our next shop project. We are normally a “Drupal 7-only” company but can’t use it this time.
I searched the subreddit for opinions but couldn’t find any. At first sight it looks like a really nice system. Its based on Slim and uses a lot of other nice features like Smarty, LESS etc.
Does anybody here have experience with it? What are pitfalls? word counter VidMate Mobdro
I know about other options like Magento (didnt like it, used it in one project), Sylius (too new / too much extra work involved), Drupal commerce (lots of experience but doesn’t play nice with the customers sofware) etc.
Thank you in advance.
Shopware is mainly based on Symfony, not Slim. Maybe you should also take a look at Shopware 6 which is definitely a big milestone - With Shopware 6 you’ll use Twig, Sass etc. Pitfall: Shopware 6 isn’t released yet for the public, but will be this month. However you can check out the dev preview: https://docs.shopware.com/en/shopware-platform-dev-en
In my opinion: Shopware and especially Shopware 6 is one of the best open source systems on the market - Great source code, Symfony, Vue.js, Sass etc. are just a few features i really like in Shopware 6.
For Shopware 5 in my opinion the biggest pitfall is ExtJs which is used for the backend and a few other things. So you’re a bit limited in case of developing backend plugins / user interfaces for the plugins. And i think ( i might be wrong ) Shopware 5 is still mixed with the Zend Framework. But i am not 100% sure, they maybe switched 100% to Symfony. But - Still one of the best e-commerce open source systems in my opinion - I worked with several systems like Magento, Woocommerce, Shopify, Opencart, Prestashop etc. But Shopware 6 is by far the best