I have problem in Installing Shopware 6

Wile Installing with command ./psh.phar docker:start it gives error phar://C:/development/psh.phar/src/ScriptRuntime/ProcessValueProvider.php(27): Symfony\Component\Process\Process->mustRun().

any help?? Thank you in advance.

I’m not quite sure if this strange Operating System you’re running is the problem…

The ‚id‘ command is not available on Windows. And that seems to be the culprit.

Can you try some operating system with a penguin in it instead?

Shopware 6 does not support Windows. Try: https://dockware.io/

Kind regards

@ThomasChr schrieb:

I’m not quite sure if this strange Operating System you’re running is the problem…

The ‚id‘ command is not available on Windows. And that seems to be the culprit.

Can you try some operating system with a penguin in it instead?

Hello Thomas Thank you for your response but in WSL i am having 

I have PHP 7.4 in my system


@EikeBrandtWarneke schrieb:

Shopware 6 does not support Windows. Try: https://dockware.io/

Kind regards


Thank You Eike for your answer. I tried with Dockware.io but with that i am unable to see my created plugin code at my IDE.


Now this is the problem at WSL or Ubuntu