How do I install my new plugin in Shopware 5

Hi, my name is Dallin and I’m new to Shopware, I just installed shopware 5 and I’m trying to create my first plugin with this
Plugin quick Startup Guide

The problem is I can’t find the plugin I created in plugin manager, can anyone please help me (please use English)
Thank you

Can you show your Plugin?

Maybe upload it to Github or something like this.

In gerneral you have to place your plugin to engine/Shopware/Plugins/Local/Frontend (or Backend/Core it depends on your Plugin ).

You can also download the Sample Plugin here

Then unzip the Folder and place the folder  SwagSloganOfTheDay within  engine/Shopware/Plugins/Local/Frontend

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so are you saying that I don’t need to install the plugin in plugin manager? just need to parse the folder SwagSloganOfTheDay  within 

engine/Shopware/Plugins/Local/Frontend and they will work, is that what you mean?

the reason why I ask this question because in the tutorial this is how they install the plugin

but I can’t find local extension in shopware 5 plugin manager

Click the Button “Add plugin manually” then of course upload the Sample Plugin

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I already did that, it just it would be nice if I could do as the tutorial

You can either place your plugin manually in the correct folder like @kayyy‍ wrote or you can zip it an upload it via pluginmanager.

Both should show your plugin in the plugin manager. If not something is wrong. If you upload it via Pluginmanager it should show up in „Community Extensions“ I think, not „Local extensions“. Did you check „All extensions“?

After you found your plugin you have to install it (click the green + on the right) to get it running.

If it still does not show up please post your Bootstrap.php and your file-structure and we can check if there’s something wrong.

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Make sure that the uploaded zip file has the right folder structure: > Frontend > SwagExample > Bootstrap.php (and other files)

(Frontend is of course depending on your plugin name  Wink  could also be Backend or Core)

Best regards from Schöppingen

cool Michael Telgmann

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here is my plugin manager

can anyone please tell me where can I find Local extensions or community extensions?

Click on “Installed” on the left side. There should be a list with all Plugins. Seperated in up to 3 lists: Installed, Inactive, Uninstalled

If you have just uploaded your plugin it should be under Uninstalled

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@t2oh4e schrieb:

Click on „Installed“ on the left side. There should be a list with all Plugins. Seperated in up to 3 lists: Installed, Inactive, Uninstalled

If you have just uploaded your plugin it should be under Uninstalled

I’ve downloaded the latest SwaSloganOfTheDay and installed via Plugin manager which worked well, but seems like the plugin doesn’t work, no slogans on the frontend. I have shopware 5.5.2