Header Scripts



Can anyone tell where the scripts are loaded in the header just before the meta data. I would like to turn them off, but I do not know where they are called


I think those scripts are specified in your Theme.php file, there’s a section called javascript, it’s an array including all the different files. You may need to check the theme you’re extending as well

     * Javascript files which will be used in the theme.
     * @var array
    protected $javascript = [
        // Third party plugins / libraries

        // Shopware specific plugins


 I did not find them there. It's a bit weird because if I'm previewing the page via ctrl + u, there are no scripts. Only ctrl + shift + j shows these scripts.

Do you have any module installed that could be including those scripts? Something to manage google analytics and/or facebook?

I found the google tag manager plugin, so I’m looking for it here.