General error: 1116 Too many tables


I am working with a shop with large number of items. It is on the migration stage.

For some days I am facing an issue. The error is as follows

An exception occurred while executing a query: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1116 Too many tables; MySQL can only use 61 tables in a join

I am not able to update product from admin side.
I have deactivated all 3rd party plugins, no changes. Still error is there.

Anybody face something like this before?
So, is there any workaround to handle this situation?

I am using shopware

Thank you

Good morning,

this error is present since the early 20th but that doesn’t help you.
MariaDB und mySQL share the same join table limit.

I personally never hit that error message. Take a brief look at the SQL-Statement (or post it here, somewhat obfuscated to protect your privacy)
Try disabling some of your addons in a development environment and try again.

Hi @chapter2 thanks for the feedback.

I deactivated all the plugins and checked again and still the issue repeated.
But the funny part is, later I noticed that the value get saved even if the error message comes up (So for now I can continue with the heavy workload).
There is no custom code running on the application so far I know.
No suspicious error message shown on the Shopware error log.
I will probably come back with more information after a closer look.

Thank you.