Disable modal when clickin detail page image

Hi everyone,

I am trying to disable the modal displayed when you click on the detail page image, I just need to remove that function completly, I found the jquery.image-gallery.js which handle that funcionality onclick event.

So my question if there’s a way to disable it? is there an option for the onclick event to pass and deactivate it? or should I just remove that piece of code? by CSS display: none is an option but is the best?

Thanks in advance.


         * Will be called when the detail page image slider was clicked..
         * Opens the lightbox with an image slider clone in it.
         * @event onClick
        onClick: function (event) {
            var me = this,
                imageSlider = me.$el.data('plugin_swImageSlider');

            $.modal.open(me.$template || (me.$template = me.createTemplate()), {
                width: '100%',
                height: '100%',
                animationSpeed: 350,
                additionalClass: 'image-gallery--modal no--border-radius',
                onClose: me.onCloseModal.bind(me)

            me._on(me.$zoomInBtn, 'click touchstart', $.proxy(me.onZoomIn, me));
            me._on(me.$zoomOutBtn, 'click touchstart', $.proxy(me.onZoomOut, me));
            me._on(me.$zoomResetBtn, 'click touchstart', $.proxy(me.onResetZoom, me));


                dotNavigation: false,
                swipeToSlide: true,
                pinchToZoom: true,
                doubleTap: true,
                maxZoom: me.opts.maxZoom,
                startIndex: imageSlider ? imageSlider.getIndex() : 0,
                preventScrolling: true


            $.publish('plugin/swImageGallery/onClick', [me, event]);


Hi Daniel,
you could just remove the swImageGallery plugin entirely from the product detail page:
window.StateManager.removePlugin(’*[data-image-gallery=„true“]’, ‚swImageGallery‘)

You have to call this method after the registration of the plugin here shopware/jquery.shopware-responsive.js at 5.3 · shopware/shopware · GitHub .
The removePlugin-method is documented here: jQuery plugins and the StateManager

Best way to call it is by include your js file as described here


@simkli schrieb:

Hi Daniel,
you could just remove the swImageGallery plugin entirely from the product detail page:
window.StateManager.removePlugin(‚*[data-image-gallery=„true“]‘, ‚swImageGallery‘)

You have to call this method after the registration of the plugin here https://github.com/shopware/shopware/blob/5.3/themes/Frontend/Responsive/frontend/_public/src/js/jquery.shopware-responsive.js#L93 .
The removePlugin-method is documented here: https://developers.shopware.com/designers-guide/javascript-statemanager-and-pluginbase/#class-methods-0

Best way to call it is by include your js file as described here


Hi Simkli, thanks for helping. I am new in shopware so I hope I followed your instructions correctly.

1 - What I did first was to add the line of code you said just right below the code to register a method so the code looks like this so far:

// jquery.shopware-responsive.js
//... more code above
.addPlugin('*[data-image-gallery="true"]', 'swImageGallery')
.removePlugin('*[data-image-gallery="true"]', 'swImageGallery')
//... more code bellow

2 - Then that file I uploaded it into src > js from my custom theme.

3 - Then edited the Theme.php file from my custom theme to add that jquery.shopware-responsive.js file, so now it looks like this so far:

protected $javascript = array(
   'src/js/jquery.shopware-responsive.js' /*added this one*/

4 - Finally, I cleared the cache and reloaded the page, but still can see the modal showing up.

Did I do something wrong?

Any clue about it?

Hi Daniel,

  1. do not modify any Shopware files. That is bad practice and you’ll loose your changes after an update

  2. do not copy any Shopware files 1:1 into your theme/plugin. That’s also bad practice. You should only add modifications into your theme/plugin. When a Shopware update is released the original files could be changed. If you copy them 1:1 into your theme/plugin the updated original files will be overriden with the old ones by your plugin. This can lead to sideeffects. 

1 - What I did first was to add the line of code you said just right below the code to register a method so the code looks like this so far:

Undo that. That’s not the way I told you. Please reread my post. You should just call this function in an empty js file which will be registered in your plugin /theme.


Maybe you can send a link to your shop and provide some details about your setup (theme/plugins).

Best regards

I finally made it work, as you said I had to create a custom JS file, added it and before the domready I had to write:

window.StateManager.removePlugin('*[data-image-gallery="true"]', 'swImageGallery');

Thanks for your help.