Copying demodata from one server to another which is modified.

Hello friends,


I am working on migrating one of our shopware servers to another server. Both servers run Debian X64.  For this, I referred to the migration guide, and copied the contents of www directory and pasted it in the other server. Also copied the database which was used by shopware on original server, and update s_core_hosts to point to new domain. Even after this, I can only access the home-page, that too partially and any links in the shop are 404.

As I am working on modified demo data-set on original server, maybe it’s a possibility that it’s not copied. Is it located at some other place? Or this is some other problem. Kindly let me know.

How to move shopware:

Copy files and database (put them on new environment).

Go to s_core_shops table and alter the host and hosts fields (if they changed).

Go to config.php in the root directory of the shopware file and alter it for connecting the right database.

(Deactivate cyphered Plug-Ins if the host changed)


I have done all the other changes already. Can you tell me how I can deactivate the cyphered plugins. Thank you.

Configuration->Plug-In Manager->installed

Klick the pen icon to deactivate the selected Plug-Ins which comes with license code



I am using community edition and none of the URL’s other than home page are working. It’s running on this VPS( ) where I am only testing migration and will finally migrate. Any links on the home page and the middle part keeps loading. Any help would be nice. Thank you.

I want to set live site on my local machine .Can anyone help me for this. Ihave done these stepls but its howing me the listing of files

Copy files and database (put them on new environment).

Go to s_core_shops table and alter the host and hosts fields (if they changed).

Go to config.php in the root directory of the shopware file and alter it for connecting the right database.

So it’s showing you a file listing? Which files are listed? Is there a shopware.php in it and a .htaccess file?

I@maddy schrieb:

I want to set live site on my local machine .Can anyone help me for this. Ihave done these stepls but its howing me the listing of files

Copy files and database (put them on new environment).

Go to s_core_shops table and alter the host and hosts fields (if they changed).

Go to config.php in the root directory of the shopware file and alter it for connecting the right database.

 I have the same issue, I implented the things you describe, but it is sill not working. 

I have my .htaccess, shopware.php and everything in place.

Any idea ??