Calculating the ex VAT price to use in snippets


I am using the default responsive theme. This theme only shows the price incl VAT, but I want to show both the prices incl and excl VAT. I think I can achieve this by editing the DetailDataPriceInfo snippet. I added this to the snippet:

{if $ > 0}
{math equation=„A / B“ A=$sArticle.price B=1.21 assign=„exTax“}
Price ex VAT: {$exTax|currency}


But it is just returning „€0.00“ all the time. I think this is becasue $sArticle.price is empty, but $ is working - so what value am I supposed to use?



Hey you may need to edit theme and add this


{math equation=„A / B“ A=$sArticle.price B=1.21 assign=„exTax“}
Price ex VAT: {$exTax|currency} auto clicker

