B2B Shop mit hoher Produktstückzahl

Hallo Community,
wir haben für einen Kunden einen Shop gebaut, der Produkte in hoher Stückzahl verkaufen kann/muss ~5000+ Stück pro Produkt aufwärts. Beim Hinzufügen zum Warenkorb haben wir nun das Problem, dass ab ca 7000 Stück der Arbeitsspeicher streikt und nur noch 500er Fehler mit out of memory wirft. Hat jemand da eine Idee, wie man das Problem bei gleichem Arbeitsspeicher verbessern oder lösen könnte? Wir nutzen die Community Variante in der Version und fügen Produkte über die Storefront API zum Warenkorb hinzu.

Mir würde auf die Schnelle jetzt kein Unterschied einfallen zwischen 1 und 100.000 Mal das gleiche Produkt im Warenkorb. Das ist ja lediglich ein Faktor, der die gleiche mathematische Formel bedient etc.

Sicher, dass da nicht ein individuell Plugin in die Quere kommt oder ihr beim in den Warenkorb legen einen Fehler macht?

Bin jetzt aber nicht 100% in der Materie drin… nur so ein Denkanstoß.

Was ist die Mindesabnahme für das Produkt? Statt 5000x 1 Produkt kannst du 1 x 1 Produkt (a 5000Einheiten) anbieten?

Danke für die Antwort. Ich habe eben lokal alle Plugins und Subscriber oder ähnliches, die etwas damit zu tun haben könnten, entfernt und getestet. Das hat leider keinen Unterschied gebracht. Ich werde es morgen nochmal mit einer leeren Installation testen und dem Standard Theme testen.

Die Mindestabnahmemenge startet bei 1 oder 10, aber die Anzahl, die von Kunden pro Produkt bestellt wird, schwankt sehr stark(Das zeigt sich aus den historischen Bestelldaten des Kunden). Also zwischen 1 und 10000+ ist alles dabei. Die Idee mit der Mindestabnahmemenge ist allerdings gut. Vielleicht könnte man Varianten erstellen, die dann 100er oder 1000er Sets sind. Ich werde das ebenfalls morgen einmal testen, danke für die Idee.

Die Idee mit den Varianten funktioniert leider nicht für uns. Die Handhabung des Stocks wäre für unseren Kunden dann zu kompiliziert und fehleranfällig.

In einem leeren Shop mit den Demodaten funktioniert das Hinzufügen von großen Mengen. Unsere Code greift allerdings nie auf den Bereich der Cartvalidierung zu und kann eigentlich nicht das Problem sein. Ich habe die Schnittstelle zum Hinzufügen einmal nachgebaut und konnte die Ursache des Problems auf den CartRuleLoader in der load-Funktion begrenzen. Ich verstehe allerdings nicht, was hier Probleme verursachen kann.

TL;DR Allgemein ist es ein Problem von Shopware bei der Berechnung von Rabatten und viele Produkten im Warenkorb.

Wir haben nun das Problem gefunden. Es liegt an den Shopware Rabatten und dort in dem PromotionCalculator in diesem wird jedes LineItem zu einem Produkt zerlegt. Bedeutet ein LineItem mit Anzahl 10000 wird zu 10000 einzelnen Produkten zerlegt. Das sorgt dafür, dass der lineItemQuantitySplitter, der Produkte clont den PHP Speicher relativ schnell überlastet. Unsere Lösung ist es die Produkte zu Cachen und nicht 10000 neu zu generieren. Das kann mit folgender PromotionCalculator-Klasse erreicht werden:



namespace Shopware\Core\Checkout\Promotion\Cart;

use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Cart;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\CartBehavior;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Exception\InvalidPayloadException;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Exception\InvalidQuantityException;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Exception\LineItemNotFoundException;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Exception\LineItemNotStackableException;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Exception\MixedLineItemTypeException;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Exception\PayloadKeyNotFoundException;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\LineItem\Group\Exception\LineItemGroupPackagerNotFoundException;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\LineItem\Group\Exception\LineItemGroupSorterNotFoundException;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\LineItem\Group\LineItemGroupBuilder;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\LineItem\LineItem;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\LineItem\LineItemCollection;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\LineItem\LineItemFlatCollection;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\LineItem\LineItemQuantitySplitter;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Price\AbsolutePriceCalculator;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Price\AmountCalculator;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Price\PercentagePriceCalculator;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Price\Struct\CalculatedPrice;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Price\Struct\CartPrice;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Price\Struct\PriceCollection;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Rule\CartRuleScope;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Tax\Struct\CalculatedTaxCollection;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Tax\Struct\TaxRuleCollection;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Promotion\Aggregate\PromotionDiscount\PromotionDiscountEntity;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Promotion\Cart\Discount\Calculator\DiscountAbsoluteCalculator;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Promotion\Cart\Discount\Calculator\DiscountFixedPriceCalculator;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Promotion\Cart\Discount\Calculator\DiscountFixedUnitPriceCalculator;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Promotion\Cart\Discount\Calculator\DiscountPercentageCalculator;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Promotion\Cart\Discount\Composition\DiscountCompositionBuilder;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Promotion\Cart\Discount\DiscountCalculatorResult;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Promotion\Cart\Discount\DiscountLineItem;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Promotion\Cart\Discount\DiscountPackageCollection;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Promotion\Cart\Discount\DiscountPackager;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Promotion\Cart\Discount\Filter\AdvancedPackagePicker;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Promotion\Cart\Discount\Filter\Exception\FilterSorterNotFoundException;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Promotion\Cart\Discount\Filter\PackageFilter;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Promotion\Cart\Discount\Filter\SetGroupScopeFilter;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Promotion\Cart\Error\PromotionExcludedError;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Promotion\Exception\DiscountCalculatorNotFoundException;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Promotion\Exception\InvalidPriceDefinitionException;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Promotion\Exception\InvalidScopeDefinitionException;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Promotion\Exception\SetGroupNotFoundException;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\Log\Package;
use Shopware\Core\System\SalesChannel\SalesChannelContext;

class PromotionCalculator
    use PromotionCartInformationTrait;

    private AmountCalculator $amountCalculator;

    private AbsolutePriceCalculator $absolutePriceCalculator;

    private LineItemGroupBuilder $groupBuilder;

    private PackageFilter $advancedFilter;

    private AdvancedPackagePicker $advancedPicker;

    private SetGroupScopeFilter $advancedRules;

    private LineItemQuantitySplitter $lineItemQuantitySplitter;

    private DiscountCompositionBuilder $discountCompositionBuilder;

    private PercentagePriceCalculator $percentagePriceCalculator;

    private DiscountPackager $cartScopeDiscountPackager;

    private DiscountPackager $setGroupScopeDiscountPackager;

    private DiscountPackager $setScopeDiscountPackager;

    private array $qtyItems;

     * @internal
    public function __construct(
        AmountCalculator $amountCalculator,
        AbsolutePriceCalculator $absolutePriceCalculator,
        LineItemGroupBuilder $groupBuilder,
        DiscountCompositionBuilder $compositionBuilder,
        PackageFilter $filter,
        AdvancedPackagePicker $picker,
        SetGroupScopeFilter $advancedRules,
        LineItemQuantitySplitter $lineItemQuantitySplitter,
        PercentagePriceCalculator $percentagePriceCalculator,
        DiscountPackager $cartScopeDiscountPackager,
        DiscountPackager $setGroupScopeDiscountPackager,
        DiscountPackager $setScopeDiscountPackager
    ) {
        $this->amountCalculator = $amountCalculator;
        $this->absolutePriceCalculator = $absolutePriceCalculator;
        $this->groupBuilder = $groupBuilder;
        $this->discountCompositionBuilder = $compositionBuilder;
        $this->advancedFilter = $filter;
        $this->advancedPicker = $picker;
        $this->advancedRules = $advancedRules;
        $this->lineItemQuantitySplitter = $lineItemQuantitySplitter;
        $this->percentagePriceCalculator = $percentagePriceCalculator;
        $this->cartScopeDiscountPackager = $cartScopeDiscountPackager;
        $this->setGroupScopeDiscountPackager = $setGroupScopeDiscountPackager;
        $this->setScopeDiscountPackager = $setScopeDiscountPackager;

     * Calculates the cart including the new discount line items.
     * The calculation process will first determine the correct values for
     * the different discount line item types (percentage, absolute, ...) and then
     * recalculate the whole cart with these new items.
     * @throws DiscountCalculatorNotFoundException
     * @throws InvalidPriceDefinitionException
     * @throws InvalidPayloadException
     * @throws InvalidQuantityException
     * @throws LineItemNotStackableException
     * @throws MixedLineItemTypeException
     * @throws PayloadKeyNotFoundException
    public function calculate(LineItemCollection $discountLineItems, Cart $original, Cart $calculated, SalesChannelContext $context, CartBehavior $behaviour): void
        // array that holds all excluded promotion ids.
        // if a promotion has exclusions they are added on the stack
        $exclusions = $this->buildExclusions($discountLineItems, $calculated, $context);

        // @todo order $discountLineItems by priority

        foreach ($discountLineItems as $discountItem) {
            // if we dont have a scope
            // then skip it, it might not belong to us
            if (!$discountItem->hasPayloadValue('discountScope')) {

            // deliveries have their own processor and calculator
            if ($discountItem->getPayloadValue('discountScope') === PromotionDiscountEntity::SCOPE_DELIVERY) {

            $isAutomaticDiscount = $this->isAutomaticDiscount($discountItem);

            // we have to verify if the line item is still valid
            // depending on the added requirements and conditions.
            if (!$this->isRequirementValid($discountItem, $calculated, $context)) {
                // hide the notEligibleErrors on automatic discounts
                if (!$isAutomaticDiscount) {
                    $this->addPromotionNotEligibleError($discountItem->getLabel() ?? $discountItem->getId(), $calculated);


            // if promotion is on exclusions stack it is ignored
            if (!$discountItem->hasPayloadValue('promotionId')) {

            $promotionId = $discountItem->getPayloadValue('promotionId');

            if (\array_key_exists($promotionId, $exclusions)) {
                if (!$isAutomaticDiscount) {
                    $calculated->addErrors(new PromotionExcludedError($discountItem->getDescription() ?? $discountItem->getId()));


            $result = $this->calculateDiscount($discountItem, $calculated, $context);

            // if our price is 0,00 because of whatever reason, make sure to skip it.
            // this can be if the price-definition filter is none,
            // or if a fixed price is set to the price of the product itself.
            if (abs($result->getPrice()->getTotalPrice()) === 0.0) {

            // use our calculated price

            // also add our discounted items and their meta data
            // to our discount line item payload

            // add our discount item to the cart

            $this->addPromotionAddedNotice($original, $calculated, $discountItem);

            // recalculate for every new discount to get the correct
            // prices for any upcoming iterations
            $this->calculateCart($calculated, $context);

     * This function builds a complete list of promotions
     * that are excluded somehow.
     * The validation which one to take will be done later.
    private function buildExclusions(LineItemCollection $discountLineItems, Cart $calculated, SalesChannelContext $context): array
        // array that holds all excluded promotion ids.
        // if a promotion has exclusions they are added on the stack
        $exclusions = [];

        foreach ($discountLineItems as $discountItem) {
            // if we dont have a scope
            // then skip it, it might not belong to us
            if (!$discountItem->hasPayloadValue('discountScope')) {

            // if promotion is on exclusions stack it is ignored
            if ($discountItem->hasPayloadValue('promotionId')) {
                $promotionId = $discountItem->getPayloadValue('promotionId');

                // if promotion is on exclusions stack it is ignored
                // this avoids cycles that both promotions exclude each other
                if (isset($exclusions[$promotionId])) {

                if ($discountItem->getPayloadValue('preventCombination')) {
                    $payloadExclusions = [];
                    foreach ($discountLineItems as $exclusionItem) {
                        if (!$exclusionItem->hasPayloadValue('promotionId')) {

                        $promotionIdToExclude = $exclusionItem->getPayloadValue('promotionId');
                        if ($promotionIdToExclude === $promotionId) {

                        $payloadExclusions[] = $promotionIdToExclude;

                    $discountItem->setPayloadValue('exclusions', $payloadExclusions);

            // add all exclusions to the stack
            foreach ($discountItem->getPayloadValue('exclusions') as $id) {
                // check if the promotion is active by its conditions
                if ($this->isRequirementValid($discountItem, $calculated, $context)) {
                    $exclusions[$id] = true;

        return $exclusions;

     * Calculates and returns the discount based on the settings of
     * the provided discount line item.
     * @throws DiscountCalculatorNotFoundException
     * @throws FilterSorterNotFoundException
     * @throws InvalidPriceDefinitionException
     * @throws InvalidScopeDefinitionException
     * @throws InvalidQuantityException
     * @throws LineItemNotFoundException
     * @throws LineItemNotStackableException
     * @throws MixedLineItemTypeException
     * @throws LineItemGroupPackagerNotFoundException
     * @throws LineItemGroupSorterNotFoundException
     * @throws SetGroupNotFoundException
    private function calculateDiscount(LineItem $lineItem, Cart $calculatedCart, SalesChannelContext $context): DiscountCalculatorResult
        $discount = new DiscountLineItem(

        switch ($discount->getScope()) {
            case PromotionDiscountEntity::SCOPE_CART:
                $packager = $this->cartScopeDiscountPackager;


            case PromotionDiscountEntity::SCOPE_SET:
                $packager = $this->setScopeDiscountPackager;


            case PromotionDiscountEntity::SCOPE_SETGROUP:
                $packager = $this->setGroupScopeDiscountPackager;


                throw new InvalidScopeDefinitionException($discount->getScope());

        $packages = $packager->getMatchingItems($discount, $calculatedCart, $context);

        // check if no result is found,
        // then this would mean -> no discount
        if ($packages->count() <= 0) {
            return new DiscountCalculatorResult(
                new CalculatedPrice(0, 0, new CalculatedTaxCollection(), new TaxRuleCollection(), 1),

        foreach($calculatedCart->getLineItems() as $lineItem) {
            $this->qtyItems[$lineItem->getId()] = $this->lineItemQuantitySplitter->split($lineItem, 1, $context);

        // remember our initial package count
        $originalPackageCount = $packages->count();

        $packages = $this->enrichPackagesWithCartData($packages, $calculatedCart, $context);

        // every scope packager can have an additional
        // list of rules that can be used to filter out items.
        // thus we enrich our current package with items
        // and run it through the advanced rules if existing
        if ($discount->getScope() !== PromotionDiscountEntity::SCOPE_SETGROUP) {
            $packages = $this->advancedRules->filter($discount, $packages, $context);

        // depending on the selected picker of our
        // discount, the packages might be restructure
        // also make sure we have correct cart items in our restructured packages from the picker
        $packages = $this->advancedPicker->pickItems($discount, $packages);
        $packages = $this->enrichPackagesWithCartData($packages, $calculatedCart, $context);

        // if we have any graduation settings, make sure to reduce the items
        // that are eligible for our discount by executing our graduation resolver.
        $packages = $this->advancedFilter->filterPackages($discount, $packages, $originalPackageCount);
        $packages = $this->enrichPackagesWithCartData($packages, $calculatedCart, $context);

        switch ($discount->getType()) {
            case PromotionDiscountEntity::TYPE_ABSOLUTE:
                $calculator = new DiscountAbsoluteCalculator($this->absolutePriceCalculator);


            case PromotionDiscountEntity::TYPE_PERCENTAGE:
                $calculator = new DiscountPercentageCalculator($this->absolutePriceCalculator, $this->percentagePriceCalculator);


            case PromotionDiscountEntity::TYPE_FIXED:
                $calculator = new DiscountFixedPriceCalculator($this->absolutePriceCalculator);


            case PromotionDiscountEntity::TYPE_FIXED_UNIT:
                $calculator = new DiscountFixedUnitPriceCalculator($this->absolutePriceCalculator);


                throw new DiscountCalculatorNotFoundException($discount->getType());

        $result = $calculator->calculate($discount, $packages, $context);

        // now aggregate any composition items
        // which might be duplicated due to separate packages
        $aggregatedCompositionItems = $this->discountCompositionBuilder->aggregateCompositionItems($result->getCompositionItems());
        $result = new DiscountCalculatorResult($result->getPrice(), $aggregatedCompositionItems);

        // get the cart total price => discount may never be higher than this value
        $maxDiscountValue = $this->getMaxDiscountValue($calculatedCart, $context);

        // if our price is larger than the max discount value,
        // then use the max discount value as negative discount
        if (abs($result->getPrice()->getTotalPrice()) > abs($maxDiscountValue)) {
            $result = $this->limitDiscountResult($maxDiscountValue, $packages->getAffectedPrices(), $result, $context);

        return $result;

     * Calculates a max discount value based on current cart and customer group.
     * If customer is in net customer group, get the cart's net value,
     * otherwise use the gross value as maximum value.
    private function getMaxDiscountValue(Cart $cart, SalesChannelContext $context): float
        if ($context->getTaxState() === CartPrice::TAX_STATE_NET) {
            return $cart->getPrice()->getNetPrice();

        return $cart->getPrice()->getTotalPrice();

     * This function can be used to limit the provided discount data
     * to a maximum threshold value.
     * It will recalculate the price and adjust all discount composition items
     * to match the demanded total price.
    private function limitDiscountResult(float $maxDiscountValue, PriceCollection $priceCollection, DiscountCalculatorResult $originalResult, SalesChannelContext $context): DiscountCalculatorResult
        $price = $this->absolutePriceCalculator->calculate(

        $adjustedItems = $this->discountCompositionBuilder->adjustCompositionItemValues($price, $originalResult->getCompositionItems());

        // update our result price to the new one
        return new DiscountCalculatorResult($price, $adjustedItems);

     * Validates the included requirements and returns if the
     * line item is allowed to be added to the actual cart.
    private function isRequirementValid(LineItem $lineItem, Cart $calculated, SalesChannelContext $context): bool
        // if we dont have any requirement, then it's obviously valid
        if (!$lineItem->getRequirement()) {
            return true;

        $scopeWithoutLineItem = new CartRuleScope($calculated, $context);

        // set our currently registered group builder in our cart data
        // to be able to use that one within our line item rule
        $data = $scopeWithoutLineItem->getCart()->getData();
        $data->set(LineItemGroupBuilder::class, $this->groupBuilder);

        return $lineItem->getRequirement()->match($scopeWithoutLineItem);

     * calculate the cart sum
    private function calculateCart(Cart $cart, SalesChannelContext $context): void
        $amount = $this->amountCalculator->calculate(


     * @throws InvalidQuantityException
     * @throws LineItemNotStackableException
     * @throws MixedLineItemTypeException
    private function enrichPackagesWithCartData(DiscountPackageCollection $result, Cart $cart, SalesChannelContext $context): DiscountPackageCollection

        // set the line item from the cart for each unit
        foreach ($result as $package) {
            $cartItemsForUnit = new LineItemFlatCollection();

            foreach ($package->getMetaData() as $item) {
                /** @var LineItem $cartItem */
                $lineItemId = $item->getLineItemId();
                $cartItem = $cart->get($lineItemId);




        return $result;

    private function isAutomaticDiscount(LineItem $discountItem): bool
        return empty($discountItem->getPayloadValue('code'));

1 „Gefällt mir“