Hallo zusammen. Ich versuche momentan Shopware 6 zu installieren.
AMD Hexa-Core 6 Cores x 2.8 GHz(3.3 GHz Turbo Core), 16 GB Ram
PHP 7.4.15
-maximale Werte die ich ausprobiert habe-
Memory limit 3GB
max_execution_time 30000
max_input_time 60000
post_max_size 1024M
upload_max_filesize 1024M
opcache.enable on
allow_url_fopen on
Maria DB
Bei der Installation kommt es immer wieder zu dem Problem, mit der Fehlermeldung
Received an error message.
URL: importDatabase
Please try to fix this error and restart the update.
{"valid":false,"errorMsg":"An exception occurred while executing 'CREATE TRIGGER shipping\_method\_price\_new\_price\_update BEFORE UPDATE ON shipping\_method\_price\n FOR EACH ROW\n BEGIN\n IF @TRIGGER\_DISABLED IS NULL OR @TRIGGER\_DISABLED = 0 THEN\n IF (NEW.price != OLD.price OR (NEW.price IS NOT NULL AND OLD.price IS NULL))\n OR (NEW.currency\_id != OLD.currency\_id OR (NEW.currency\_id IS NOT NULL AND OLD.currency\_id IS NULL))\n AND (NEW.currency\_price = OLD.currency\_price OR (NEW.currency\_price IS NULL AND OLD.currency\_price IS NULL)) THEN\n SET NEW.currency\_price = JSON\_OBJECT(\n CONCAT(\"c\", LOWER(HEX(NEW.currency\_id))),\n JSON\_OBJECT(\n \"net\", NEW.price,\n \"gross\", NEW.price,\n \"linked\", false,\n \"currencyId\", LOWER(HEX(NEW.currency\_id))\n )\n );\n ELSEIF (NEW.price = OLD.price OR NEW.price IS NULL)\n AND (NEW.currency\_id = OLD.currency\_id OR NEW.currency\_id IS NULL)\n AND (NEW.currency\_price != OLD.currency\_price OR (OLD.currency\_price IS NULL AND NEW.currency\_price IS NOT NULL)) THEN\n SET NEW.price = JSON\_UNQUOTE(JSON\_EXTRACT(\n NEW.currency\_price,\n CONCAT(\"$.\", JSON\_UNQUOTE(JSON\_EXTRACT(JSON\_KEYS(NEW.currency\_price), \"$[0]\")), \".gross\")\n )) + 0.0;\n\n SET NEW.currency\_id = UNHEX(JSON\_UNQUOTE(JSON\_EXTRACT(\n NEW.currency\_price,\n CONCAT(\"$.\", JSON\_UNQUOTE(JSON\_EXTRACT(JSON\_KEYS(NEW.currency\_price), \"$[0]\")), \".currencyId\")\n )));\n END IF;\n END IF;\n END;':\n\nSQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1359 Trigger 'shopwaredata.shipping\_method\_price\_new\_price\_update' already exists"}
Leider habe ich online nicht viele Informationen gefunden.
-Installation mit frisch heruntergeladener zip von der Shopware Website.
-Extraktion auf server im web root
-Start des installers
-Checks alle „grün“
Bin für jede Hilfe dankbar
Beste Grüße!