Why 2 theme plugins affect each other when used on different sales channels ?

[@Moritz Naczenski](http://forum.shopware.com/profile/14574/Moritz Naczenski “Moritz Naczenski”)‍ I have created both of the themes by myself according the Shopware guide. For a single sales channel website they work as intended.

scss files are located in src/Resources/app/storefront/src/scss

The twig files are located under the directory src/Resources/views/storefront/(layout or block, etc.)

Below is the theme.json file:

    "name": "IluDesign Theme",
    "author": "David Sargsyan",
    "previewMedia": "storefront/dist/assets/Ilu_Design_logo.png",
    "style": [
    "views": [
    "script": [
    "config": {
      "fields": {
        "sw-color-brand-primary": {
          "value": "#a9a9a9"
    "asset": [